Forum Discussion

Puneet Ahuja's avatar
Puneet Ahuja
New Member
8 years ago

Custom reports on number of open calls by assignee and open calls by age


I need the following reports created for a service:
1. A count of open calls grouped by the assignee.
2. A report to show open calls grouped by their age from when they were created - ie calls older than one month, calls older than one week, etc.

As well, I want these reports to be emailed to me on a monthly basis. I cannot find an easy way of doing this as it seems that all custom reports are simply lists/queues of calls.

Is there a way of doing this in GoToAssist? I would expect this to be a basic feature for reporting on how administrators (users) are managing their calls.
  • Hi Mary,

    Thanks for the reply. The reports are meant for my manager and I was hoping to have it all done within GoToAssist so that they could be automatically emailed to him on a scheduled basis. However, I do like your idea on the age buckets column and will use it if I have no option but to use excel sheets and pivot tables.

  • Mary Forbes's avatar
    Mary Forbes
    Active Contributor
    I run a report every Monday morning on the open incidents and add a column to calculate the age of the ticket and then create another column to put them in age buckets of <30, 30 to 90 days, 90 to 365 and over 365...we have multiple departments...some turnaround their tickets fast and others have projects that sit for months to be worked on.  I then use pivot tables to create a table  to send to them so show their backlog.  I use the cutoff of the previous Friday at 5pm and also need to run a second report for anything they may have closed over the weekend that was in the backlog on Friday, but not in the open report on Monday so they can be added back in.  I also delete any that were open on Monday that came in after the previous Friday at 5pm.