Forum Discussion

GotAMeeting's avatar
New Member
5 years ago

GoToMeeting-Plugin for Outlook isn't working suddenly

Hello together,


I was working with the GoToMeeting Plug-In within my Outlook for couple months now. About 2 weeks ago Outlook started giving an error massage when i tried to create a meeting,  The error massage reads as the following: "Unfortunately, an error has occurred while processing your request. Please try again. If you need assistance, please contact Global Customer Support"

I never changed my settings or similar so I'm interested why it suddenly stopped working

Thank you very much



  • Hi again,


    i found a solution and it was quite easy. In Outlook go to the "Add-Ins" Ribbon, click on "Settings" in the GoToMeeting-part and and choose "Logout".

    Then try to plan a meeting or use the adhoc one, you get asked for your credetials, enter them, et viola it works again.


    Kind regards

  • Tapsy's avatar
    Active Contributor



    any news on this issue?

    We have the same problem.


    Kind regards

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor


    Are you able to confirm a couple of things there: 

    1. Have you checked your GoToMeeting audio settings online to include integrated audio by default? 
    2. Was the plugin re-installed on the problem PC?
    3. What happens when you log out / in again? 
    • Tapsy's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Hi AshC,


      1. Just checked it, it's set to use the integrated audio.


      2. Does not change anything, still the same error.


      3. Where can i log out? Logging out from the "desktop-app" does not change anything. I don't get asked for my credentials when starting Outlook, so i think it is still logged in.


      Kind regards.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Thanks, can you also specify what operating system and Outlook version is affected? 

    • Tapsy's avatar
      Active Contributor

      It's Windows 10 (1909 and all Patches installed) and Outlook 2016 Professional Plus (all Patches installed).

      • Tapsy's avatar
        Active Contributor

        Hi again,


        i found a solution and it was quite easy. In Outlook go to the "Add-Ins" Ribbon, click on "Settings" in the GoToMeeting-part and and choose "Logout".

        Then try to plan a meeting or use the adhoc one, you get asked for your credetials, enter them, et viola it works again.


        Kind regards