Forum Discussion

Nakatsubo's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Mute attendees Permanently

Hi everyone,


In my experience as user, I believe the host should have a button to mute attendees permanently in such way they cannot override and unmute themselves. Let me share why:


a) There are situations where the attendee is not conscious that he/she is the one surrounded by noisy distractions and the host have to stop or be interrupted by other attendee/attendees who says what is already obvious to everyone: someone has unmuted the audio and now is disturbing the meeting.


b) Depending on how youg the attendees are or how disrespectful they can be, there are also situations where the attendee does not care about the content and allow himself/herself to interrupt the meeting consciuously or irritate other attendees, not giving ears to the host or what he/she says.

Such situation is more visible and present these days when schools or random courses are using online rooms to share classes.


Hoping to read from your experience in this matter as well.



  • Hi

    Im trying to find a way that only allows the Organiser to talk and share webcam.

    The Mute All button seems kind of pointless when an attendee can override this by un-muting themselves? 

    Any ideas please

    • SmithWeekly's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Organizers of GotoMeeting do not have the ability to enact a mute override to mute all attendees. Currently, attendees can unmute themselves after being muted by the organizer. The mute fight then begins and is a hinderance to the organizer and the party that pays for the service. An organizer mute override control is requested and is a substantial flaw in the current system. The organizer(s) need to have full mute control when desired and at times during the meeting when there is to be one single presenter during a period of time. Many thanks.

      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        SmithWeekly  If you are looking for a 'hard-mute' function to override Attendees, you may do this via telephone keypad when dialed in as the event Organizer.  Press *5 to cycle through the muting options for Organizers.

    • Azeem's avatar
      Active Contributor
      Is it possible for an Organizer to permanently mute all GoToMeeting attendees. Meaning, the attendees can not mute or un-mute their selves. If I mute an Attendee then he/she can un-mute his microphone during the session any time which is kind of annoying. I want all attendees to join as listen only mode, how ever attendees could ask questions via text chat box. How to do it?

      Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: GoToWebinar - Mute all attendees.
      • innovaesoftware's avatar
        New Contributor

        Hi, is there a way to permanently disable the attendees' audio in a meeting? We have up to 50 attendees and some of them keep reenabling their microphones, even after we mute them. Thanks in advance

    • GlennD's avatar
      GoTo Manager


      GoToMeeting Organizers dialed in by phone with a successful PIN entry may cycle through conference listening mode by pressing *6 on their phone keypad until the Mute All option is reached.

      I would also recommend you look at GoToWebinar, where attendees join in listen only mode and must be unmuted by the organizer before they can be heard.




      • COT's avatar
        New Member

        Based on my needs and those in this thread, I think it would be a good idea for a "hard mute all" to be a feature request and have the option in the Control Panel. Thank you.

  • So we ran our first meeting today and weird that every single person that joined the meeting, joined unmuted (most joined via pc), and we could hear everything from their end, feed back,, toilet flushing.. it was insane.. i kept having to go in and hit "mute all" every few minutes as people joined. Certainly I'm missing some type of setting to prevent this?
    I'd like to set my meetings to make everyone muted unless I specifically unmute someone, possible? Thanks
    • romain11's avatar
      New Member
      My company is really interrested to get GoToMeeting, and this feature is the only one missing for us : when we organize a professional webinar, we need to keep control and mute all attendees.
      Any info on when this update is planned to be delivered ?
      Even betta version would do...
      Thanks in advance
    • John Wetmore's avatar
      John Wetmore
      New Member
      I agree. I kept having to mute each person that entered throughout the meeting. Is there a way I can set the meeting to keep everyone muted no matter what? We don't do interactive meetings and prefer nobody can talk. Thanks.
  • One of our participant's Windows desktop application was showing him as muted but he was not so his office conversation was heard by everyone. Has anyone else had this issue and is there a fix/workaround? Thanks.
    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor
      Hi Daro,
      Sorry for the confusion there.
      That has never happened to me personally, but I'd probably want to know how the problem attendee was connected, with what device and operating system.  Be sure that their unconnected audio icon (gray in color) isn't confused with a muted icon (red line strike-through).

    • Anja's avatar
      New Member


      I think we have kind of the same problem.

      In our last two GTM and GTW I muted all the attendees. Even if the audio icon of the attendees was whether grey or red they could all speak and everyone heard it. So because of all the background sounds we were unable to go on with the meeting. So I (as the moderator) can't mute any attendee anymore, even if they're all showed as muted. 

      Thanks for a quick answer.

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor
      Hallo Anja,
      Sorry for the difficulty there.

      If you could contact us directly by phone within 24 hours of an audio issue like this, we can definitely help you track the source of the problem.  If you are logged into the GoTo software successfully as the event organizer, the Mute All command should work every time.

  • Glantz's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hello there,

    When we host company-wide conferences, we mute all callers when they join the meeting, and have set up the auto-mute feature for desktop audio. We had a phone caller put the meeting on hold to answer another call, which put their hold music on for all other callers to hear. Is there a way to block hold music from playing during a call? Why is that music not muted since the caller is?



    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      If you have one Attendee that has unmuted themselves, then they may be able to interrupt at times.  In order to force a hard-mute, I suggest dialing into the GoToMeeting Audio Conference bridge yourself, as the Organizer, and then toggling the listening mode with the star + five keys (*5) until this option is presented.


      ** The Mute-All function will always work, but isn't a hard-mute like the phone keypad command.

      • Glantz's avatar
        New Contributor

        Thank you so much! I will give that a try.

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager

    Hi Nakatsubo 


    GoToMeeting originally allowed this but changed it to the current soft mute implementation due to a large amount of customer feedback. If an attendee is being purposefully disruptive in a meeting an organizer always has the ability to dismiss them.


    • Nakatsubo's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi GlennD,


      Thank you for the information. I firstly called to know better if the resource was available and they informed they had it before, as you said. 

      I just believe this is an important tool a host should have.
      I presented two situations where this resource is useful, but the second was more general and not something that happened to me. I see your point about dismissing people, but I think it wouldn't be the best solution because this action can be rude for the others as well, while mutting that person would be something just between the host and the attendee.