Forum Discussion

Leigh Strinsky's avatar
Leigh Strinsky
3 years ago

Add to Google Calendar Glitch

I've just been made aware of an error that is being presented when trying to add an event to a Google Calendar.  We've tested on three separate computers and registrants with the same result each time.


Any wisdom would be appreciated.


Here is the error message:


"429. Plan Exceeded.

We're sorry but the request can not be processed.

The referring website using the "Add to Calendar" service is related to a free Hobby account which has exceeded its monthly limits.

If this is your website, please click here."

  • Leigh Strinsky  This issue should be fully resolved now.  


    Please let us know if you experience any more errors. 

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Leigh Strinsky  I apologize for the difficulty adding to Google Calendar.  We are aware of this problem and will be addressing the issue soon.  We'll update the Community as new info becomes available.  

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      Leigh Strinsky  This issue should be fully resolved now.  


      Please let us know if you experience any more errors. 

      • User_bei_nue's avatar
        New Contributor

        I just had the same problem, does not seem to be fixed. In my case instead of adding the event in the google calendar, my apple calender is suggested for entering the date to it. I made a screenshot including the console messages. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to upload the image.