Forum Discussion

DlubalWebinar's avatar
New Member
3 years ago

Glitch in GoToWebinar Confirmation Email Subject

When creating a new webinar by "copying" a previous webinar, most everything updates to the new webinar's information. The exception is the confirmation email subject line that users receive after registering shows the older webinar's title. The subject line should update with the new webinar's title instead. The name of the new webinar in the body is correct though. Can this be corrected as it's very easy to overlook when creating a new webinar. 

3 Replies

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago

    Okay, thank you. I recall this happening in the past when we moved to our current GoToWebinar platform. A webinar copied from an older webinar that was originally scheduled on our original GoToWebinar platform would have this issue. If it happens again please make a note of the webinar ID so we can look into it further.


  • JeanSmith's avatar
    Active Contributor
    3 years ago
    It's a glitch but doesn't have a regular occurrence.
  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago

    Hi @DlubalWebinar, welcome to the community.


    I have tested the Copy Webinar option and my confirmation email had the updated webinar title. Did this only happen with the one webinar, or have there been others since you posted? Can you tell us more about the webinar you copied? Was it an original webinar or a copy of an even older webinar? Was it a Standard webinar or a Webcast, or a Recorded webinar?