Forum Discussion

SybilMak's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

GoToWebinar Attendance record didn't sync with Marketo System

I have set up everything right, and the registration did fall into the Marketo system. However, after the webinar finished, the attendance only show in GoTo Webinar side but not sync to the Marketo system. Anyone know why?

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager

    Hi SybilMak, welcome to the community.


    Is this still the case if you check Marketo? The post-webinar data may not have been available to sync when you checked the first time.


    • SybilMak's avatar
      New Contributor

      The data didn't sync as this event is already pass for 14 days .... i have check that 3 days after the event and still the data didn't sync