Forum Discussion

mroachsmith's avatar
New Member
3 years ago

Identifying speakers on webinars

I teach classes that range in size, but on the smaller classes, my students want to be able to identify the speaker by name. They cannot do so in the GoToWebinar control panel. Only my name - the teacher - shows up when I speak. Since I am the presenter, everyone's name shows up on my panel.  Not so, with my students, and they continually must ask who is speaking.  Please change this, since the intimacy of my classes - they are memoir writing classes - really suffers.  

1 Reply

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago

    Hi mroachsmith, welcome to the community.


    I moved this post from Community Ideas to the main discussion board as GoToWebinar already displays the names of Panelists and unmuted Attendees when they are speaking. For Attendees, the name of the person speaking is displayed above the Question/Chat window and also in the top right corner of the GoToWebinar window. If the Attendee has GoToWebinar in fullscreen mode and their Control Panel minimized to a tab, they would not be able to see the name of the person speaking, but otherwise, it should be visible. I confirmed this has not changed in a test webinar with an Organizer, Panelist, and an Attendee that was unmuted by the Organizer. 


    If you are seeing different behavior we will need more details about how you are scheduling and hosting your webinars, and screenshots of what your attendees are seeing if possible.