Forum Discussion

Laura16's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Reply to All when answering Questions

Hi, when a lecturer is responding to a question via the question box & then select "Reply to All", all attendees can see the name of the asker & their question. Is there an option to hide the attendees name? It has been suggested that the lecturer copies the question, pastes into the chat function along with the answer & sends to ALL. This isn't ideal given the volume of questions that come in.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you

  • I have heard back from the team that we anonymize the answers in the next major version of GoToWebinar that is currently in development 🙂



  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager

    Hi Laura16, welcome to the community.


    Unfortunately, at this time there isn't an option to hide the name of the attendee that asked the question when you share the answer publicly.  The intention is to promote attendee participation, but I can understand why an attendee might not want their name displayed in a lecturer setting. I have shared this feedback with the GoToWebinar team.


    The options currently are:

    • Reading the question out and answering without naming the attendee
    • Copying and pasting as you mentioned.  
    • Add someone as a co-organizer so they can manage the questions for the Lecturer


    • Laura16's avatar
      New Contributor

      Thank you for the reply, we currently have a lecturer supporting on every webinar so they are able to answer questions, quite often there will be a lot of reputation of questions asked so it would be great for lecturers to be able to reply to all but not sure the name of the student asking the question.


      Thanks for your help,


      • GlennD's avatar
        GoTo Manager

        I have heard back from the team that we anonymize the answers in the next major version of GoToWebinar that is currently in development 🙂