Forum Discussion

jimmy031's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

You currently don’t have any products.

Hi i work in a town in sweden and we have sigend up for emergency remote work kit. when i logg in,  this is what i see "You currently don’t have any products" on the page. And i cant create any meetings. please help med with this





  • Hi Jimmy, can you please send me a private message with your login email address?  Click my Community name to get started.  Thanks.

    • GlennD's avatar
      GoTo Manager

      Hi cslandaverde, welcome to the community.


      If you are signing in with the same email address you have used for the community, you have no product licenses assigned to you. There is another account under the same domain that belongs to someone named Ernita, I believe that is the account you are looking for.


      • _barbiie0016's avatar

        Hi! I am having this problem now. But we cannot figure out how to fix this issue.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Hi Jimmy, can you please send me a private message with your login email address?  Click my Community name to get started.  Thanks.