Forum Discussion

Ericatdmi's avatar
Active Contributor
7 years ago

Bring Back All Color Quality Options

Starting about a couple weeks ago, when I connect to client computers there are only the 3 highest color quality options available to select.

There used to be 6.

Typically I would set the quality to the lowest color option to improve the speed/responsiveness of the connection since I don't need the full video quality. 


Anyone know how to get all of the options back? Or has LogMeIn done away with the lower quality settings?


*** UPDATE *** 2/1/2019

So this still seems to be an issue. I just wanted to repost my work around on the top message for anyone that might not read through the whole thread:


For anyone that needs the lower video quality settings, here is a link to the last version of the Client app (1.3.3987) that had all 6 video quality settings. Files are in a ZIP with a README file detailing how to run the old version. The first time it launches, it will notify about an available update. Make sure to select "skip this update". Hopefully this will hold us over until LMI can get their act together and provide us the tools we need, especially since they keep jacking their prices up on us.!AtQflLceTy6fojN0KnGOKgZ3XwGM


49 Replies

  • itwxguy's avatar
    New Contributor
    7 years ago

    Yup this just made my job harder. I always ran on the 2nd lowest color settings. Now it's significantly laggier and less responsive no matter which option I use, and I have a decent connection on both ends. Bad change.

  • SigNaIT's avatar
    7 years ago

    This is a disappointing update as the higher-resolution settings slows down performance for our remote sessions. I see no reason why the lower-resolution options couldn't have been left in. Would be great if they can be brought back.

  • Taube022's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago

    I too am disappointed with this change. I don't see any reason why the lower color quality settings had to be removed simply because some customers use the higher quality settings. From a support perspective, it makes resolving issues remotely much more difficult due to the lag alone. This change literally makes my job harder.

  • remoted's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago

    Add me to the list of unhappy. 

    With 10k units over CELLULAR connections, this is a huge impact on us!

  • kbowen's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago

    This is not acceptable as we have several machines on networks with less than ideal bandwidth. Our customerbase is well over 10000 machines. We never use the higher resolutions because we are remotely supporting these machines - not streaming video or gaming. Please add black and white back to the options. 

  • cxedis's avatar
    New Contributor
    7 years ago

    I understand that Higher quality settings are perferred by customers but only when bandwidth permits....

    All you have succeded in doing is elminating the ability to utilize your offering on slow locations. 

    It is now basically unusable on 75% of the 13,000 locations we utilize you for.

    This change is complete garbage and was not thought out very well.

    "Upgrades" what a load of BS.


    AshC, I'm not mad at you as you were not the one to implement this change, it has just made our lives a living hell. 

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    Ericatdmi Thanks for your feedback and case use.  We will share it with the product teams repsonsible.

  • Ericatdmi's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago

    So the lower quality options are gone for good? That's disappointing. The lower quality options made a significant difference in connection performance when working with clients that have poor internet connections.   Seems like it would be easy enough to leave the options in place for those that need it. 

    Please pass on my thoughts to whom it may concern. I'd love to get the lower quality video options back.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    Ericatdmi I apologize for any confusion.  We did recently change the color options for LMI Pro, and the details can be found within the latest release notes (updates coming again on this topic soon).  Typically higher resolution settings are preferred by customers, but I understand if the change took you by surprise.


    We will be updating the knowledgebase to reflect these upgrades as well.  Thanks for your patience while we fully document.