Forum Discussion

RC3PO's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

Desktop Sharing? The only answers are from a year ago???

Good day all, I've been trying to share a computer desktop. Two people, remotely, connected to a third part remote desktop. 


Have never been able to do this. I use the direction, sending an invite to a third part which appears to come from the administrator, the invited user clicks on the hyperlink, causes a download...begins to conn..brrrr...dddllltttt.t...connect and then fails...


I can watch the logs in my console that they are attempting to connect...however, they cannot. 1 user was able to connect on a different date, however, I could not connect with that user as my connection would kick him off. 


Version 1.3.3684


Windows Server 2008 

Windows 10


5 Replies

  • RC3PO's avatar
    New Contributor
    8 years ago

    Not answered yet. 


    Bump. @glennD

  • RC3PO's avatar
    New Contributor
    8 years ago

    @glennd the warning was a "permissions" warning from what he remembers. 



  • RC3PO's avatar
    New Contributor
    8 years ago

    "Are you able to connect to your computer in a regular session yourself, or do you have issues connecting also?"


    I'm able to connect without any issues. I had one person in the same network sharing my desktop, when I saw in the logs he connected, I connected and he was kicked off and I didn't get any notification, etc. 



    "Did the people that you invited to conenct to your computer describe what they experienced on their side?"


    Yes the person that did connect, said he was kicked out as I logged in. The other user that could not connect said he had a short download, then a long pause and then a "unable to connect" kind of warning. I did not get a screenshot of the warning as he left the session and I connected to that computer and performed the maintenance steps on my own with him on the phone. 


    Did they see any error messages when the connections failed?


    Yes, however, I didn't get that from him. I could check again and post that. 

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    8 years ago

    Hi RC3PO,


    Are you able to connect to your computer in a regular session yourself, or do you have issues connecting also? Did the people that you invited to conenct to your computer describe what they experienced on their side? Did they see any error messages when the connections failed?