Forum Discussion

trflmiuser's avatar
Active Contributor
5 years ago

Troubleshooting slow connections?


Several people in my office use LogMeIn to work at home. Many users today are reporting that their connections are very slow. Tracert doesn't show any lag or timeouts between the end users and the office. I'm wondering what else I can do to troubleshoot slowness. I don't know enough about how LogMeIn works to know if there's a central server which connections go through that could be introducing the slowness. Any tips? 

4 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    Bordi1508  If this just recently started happening have you reached out to your internet service provider to troubleshoot? 

  • Bordi1508's avatar
    New Member
    5 years ago
    I have a organization in Brasil Wirth 80 connections but connections are very slow. User are having the worst experience and i dont know chat can i do. I m really desesperated.can u help me?
  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago


    While we do not have any specific servers causing delays, there have been serious demands across North American internet services as a whole.  If you are seeing consistent communication delays with LMI services, please note the times, dates, and your physical location or ISP there.  We'll continue to track these reports and mitigate as fast as possible. 

  • Hi,

    We are having the same problem while working from home. We checked our internet connection speeds and all is fine.