mgpegre's avatar
New Member
2 years ago

Ability to change a Channel Admin

Scenario:  A private channel was created for multiple staff of a department to ask each other questions, make announcements, etc.  The user that created it, perhaps a supervisor or department lead, is the channel's admin.  Then, that person leaves the company, and they are removed from GoToConnect.  However, they are still listed as the Channel's admin (now marked as external), and nobody is able to administer the channel (i.e: remove ex-employees, policy violators, etc.).  Apparently there is no way to change who the channel admin is.  Level 2 support informed me of this and suggested that the only option is to create a new channel and add the users you want to be a part of it.  That, however, would require an announcement for all staff in that channel to leave the old one and start using the new one, and would render inaccessible the chat history of the old channel. I think we can all appreciate how well that would work out! 

Please add the ability to assign another user as the admin of a current channel.

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