mkeaton's avatar
Frequent Contributor
2 years ago
Reviewed by moderator

Full mailbox report

as suggested by SteveWinter


There should be a way for admins to see what mailboxes have msgs in them, extensions and shared. Especially if VMs aren't getting emailed to anywhere there is no way to check if there are VMs on any given extension other than checking them one by one?



  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago
    Status changed:
    Reviewed by moderator
  • SteveWinter's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    Yes that is correct and with close to 5,000 subscribers spread out around 6 pbxs that's a **bleep** nuisance to try to figure out whose mailboxes are full. I'm just surprised that this is never come up before it is a fairly widely used practice with PBX administrators to see who's full and who is not.

  • SteveWinter's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    I am being told by various G2C people that they do not have a way or report to show which users have full mailbox's that can no longer take messages. I am told that they don't have this report and that is is not on the roadmap for the future.


    If this is the case than someone should seriously RE-THINK that decision. This is a very basic function and almost all my customers have asked for it at one time or another.


    Get with the program here G2C, this is a basic tool needed by all admins.