Is there a way to make your phone make a noise when a voicemail if left like when you get an email? I have all my notifications turned on for the GoTo app and there is no noise that plays to let you know that a voicemail was left. It would be great to differentiate between "Silent this device" for receiving calls but still being able to receive a sound notification when a voicemail is left if you want to monitor a voicemail box. I know we can turn on voicemail to email but sometimes there is a delay between when the message was left and when the email hits their voicemail box depending on their email settings and filters.
Voicemail Notification on mobile app
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- KateG7 months agoGoTo ManagerStatus changed:InvestigatingtoDelivered
This is now available in the mobile app.
- surplum2 years agoNew Member
Also very supportive of this.
- KateG2 years agoGoTo ManagerStatus changed:Reviewed by moderatortoInvestigating
- KateG3 years agoGoTo ManagerStatus changed:NewtoReviewed by moderator