ddear's avatar
New Member
11 months ago

Allow Goto connect to make call during goto meeting

Our company would like to request a feature in the goto app to be able to host a goto meeting session and be able to use the goto connect(jive) calls within the same goto app.  For example we have been using the classic version of goto meeting for hosting session and the goto app seperatly to host a phone call because if it is ran in the same app it will either not let us call or drop the session.  With the separate apps we are able to hear both the meeting and the call that is made in the separate apps. Is there a way we can combine this functionality into the single goto app?

1 Comment

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    11 months ago
    Status changed:

    Hi ddear thanks for stopping by the Community! 


    The GoTo app does allow to make phone calls while being in a meeting, but it places the meeting on hold while the call is taking place. To avoid this (have both at the same time), another web browser tab of the GoTo app can be opened to join the meeting or make a call.