TC_B82's avatar
New Member
6 days ago

Adding Webinar Event to Outlook Calendar

Our customers are complaining about how GoTo Webinar manages adding the event to their outlook calendars. 

  1. When an attendee registers for a webinar, they are prompted to "Add Invite to Calendar" 

2. When you click add to Calendar:

3. Attendee clicks Open to save invite to their Outlook Calendar.

4. This is confusing and no other software that I'm aware forces a User to selected "Required" "Send Update".  Most software invites autopopulate the User name and they only thing you do is simply select "Accept".  

This is annoying to users and does not work like most "add to calendar" features.  

1 Comment

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    6 days ago
    Status changed:

    Hi TC_B82, I think this is more of an issue report than a Community Idea. I will share this feedback with the team and we will investigate if there have been any changes to how Outlook processes our calendar events. Do you happen to know what versions of Outlook your customers who contacted you are using?