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Re: Azure SSO Problems

Hi @DWilliams14, welcome to the community.


Thank you for sharing this. I know that the second (working) URL is what we list in this support article: Set Up a Custom Enterprise Sign-In Configuration, is the first URL you mentioned in another support article or from a different source? If it is in one of our other articles I can make sure it is corrected.



Glenn is a member of the GoTo Community Care Team.

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Re: Azure SSO Problems

Hi Glenn,


The generic instructions for 'Custom Enterprise Sign-In Configuration' that you linked are fine. However the instructions for Azure AD specifically are not. If you look at this article:, under step 2 follow the link for Azure AD which takes you here:


On that page, under 'Configure Microsoft Entra SSO', step 5 says "On the Basic SAML Configuration section, the user does not have to perform any steps as the app is already pre-integrated with Azure."


However, the app default setting for entity ID is "" which is incorrect. Within the azure app while configuring, it also tells you to use that incorrect url in the tooltip.

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Re: Azure SSO Problems

GoTo Manager

Re: Azure SSO Problems

This is a combination of DWilliams14 comments for anyone else having an issue with this:


"For anyone else having this issue, I was able to resolve it by changing the identifier URL in the Azure AD App.


By default it is and the instructions say not to change it, but changing it to fixed this error for me - this is the url that they say to use if you look at the generic instructions for setting up SAML manually instead of the Azure specific ones.


The generic instructions for 'Custom Enterprise Sign-In Configuration' that you linked are fine. However the instructions for Azure AD specifically are not. If you look at this article:, under step 2 follow the link for Azure AD which takes you here:


On that page, under 'Configure Microsoft Entra SSO', step 5 says "On the Basic SAML Configuration section, the user does not have to perform any steps as the app is already pre-integrated with Azure."


However, the app default setting for entity ID is "" which is incorrect. Within the azure app while configuring, it also tells you to use that incorrect url in the tooltip."


Glenn is a member of the GoTo Community Care Team.

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Re: Azure SSO Problems

Yuppp this has just worked for me, thank you GlennD!!!