Forum Discussion

LockonCC's avatar
Active Contributor
4 years ago

Elevated Command Prompt (powershell)

I like the "Command Prompt" (powershell actually) feature of LMI but I often need an elevated Command Prompt for management functions.  Is there any way to open an elevated command prompt in a browser window?  Or, is there a way to do an in-place elevation like the Linux 'sudo' command?

  • MWPollard's avatar
    Active Contributor

    This would be very useful for me as well. In some cases, I could use an elevated File Manager instead (copying the files from a previous user to a network location - when some files are locked). But updating security software from a command line, for example, requires being run as administrator.

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor


      As a workaround you can try opening an elevated powershell through RC.   This requires a few extra steps but it may achieve what you're looking for.
      If you need to do this on multiple computers, remote execution can run powershell scripts as the system as well. 

      • MWPollard's avatar
        Active Contributor

        What's RC? Specifically how would I do this?