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New Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository

This is great, and it worked fine on my clients...however, it does require user interaction.  Something I'd rather avoid.


Considering the way Logmein is going, automatic update and install for the LMI client really should be a feature, or at least a job that can be done without user interaction.


Am I missing something?


Active Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository

Englanddg -

What user interaction did you run into? For me it was pretty seamless. The /s with the raupdate.exe command should run it silently.

I have been having trouble getting the latest update that just came out to install. No errors just doesn't seem to be available for all my nodes yet. But I'll need to test more to be sure of what the issue is and it did work for a couple of machines so far.
New Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository

Well, the first two client tests it prompted me (but I was also remoted into the machine to see the desktop, so maybe that's it)...

I may have spoken too soon, as when I logged into other machines after pushing it out to a larger group (a few dozen machines) AFTER the job finished, I didn't see any interaction prompts.

I may have just applied it incorrectly, so I'll keep playing with it. If I find something (including me being silly) I'll post details, until then, just disregard my post.
New Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository

Ok, I went back and checked a bunch of clients where I was NOT logged in with an active profile through Logmein (unlike the tests) after running the job, and it seems to have worked.  I didn't audit the entire network, but I'll say, THANKS for the script.  I think this will do EXACTLY what I wanted!

Active Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository

Can anyone suggest a way to use one2many to silently uninstall LogMeIn?

Active Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository

Lol.  It really shouldn't be that tough to do the uninstall, though I confess I haven't tried it.  Basically, you would write a  batch file to do the unistall.  I would probably try an msiexec unistall command or maybe wmic.  The trick I think would jut be to use One2Many to write this as a .com file and then use the start command to kick it off like the upgrade script previously discussed in this thread.


Active Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository


I was thinking msiexec unistall command too, but can't find the registry string.


I tried a bat file like this:

cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\LogMeIn\x64\"

logmein uninstall


It removes it from your LMI Central account, and on the PC it does not auto run, but the installer is still resident in "Programs and Features" and the LogMeIn service still runs.



Active Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository

Looking to see if I can use wmic. Will report back

Active Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository

Looks like wmic is the way to go.

bat file looks like this:


wmic product where name='LogMeIn' call uninstall


Setup the task as "Run a batch file or executable" and no Optional parameters needed.


Make the plan and then run it with an account with admin privileges. 

Of course it will look like the plan never completes since LogMeIn will not return a "completed" command, since it will then be uninstalled. However, if you check your computer list, it will be gone.

New Contributor

Re: One2Many Script Repository

We don't have a local or virtual domain. Our users are all local admins. However, I'd like to push a script that will enforce a password change policy of every 90 days, they must reset their password to their local user account. Any advice or scripts you can share?