After some further testing, we found that the Windows Update client may not be able to communicate with the Windows Update service for several reasons. These include the following:
I realize this is not definitive, but hopefully it provides some insights to the failure.
Windows update Service is set to automatic and is running (was set to manual and I changed it to Automatic).
On the computer itself it is showing that it needs 2 updates.
LMI console is showing that 1 update that it does not have details for, but as you can see there are 2 updates that need to be applied.
I have also hit the check updates twice in the LMI control panel and same results. I will check back tomorrow to see if the behavior has changed.
This is LogMeIn Central that gives you this.
Jason26, if you go from the sidebar: Updates > Windows, you'll see your list of computers. If you just select 1 you'll see "Change Setting" at the top of the list become active. If you click on that you'll go to the Update Settings screen for that machine. In the "Choose how Windows can install updates" section, if you change the "Recommended Updates" to "Handle the same way as important updates" it will get optional windows updates to display. That has helped me sometimes but its not a fix and the things Ash has recommended, don't work. LogMeIn made some change between versions and all of this stopped working right, so much so that if I went and installed an older version of LMI, this whole update process works without issue but since LMI auto updates, that version won't stay long.
Yeah I was going to explain that to Oscar today since he asked the question about not being able to see the optional updates, but thank you for the information. Checked back on the Server that I have been testing with and put screenshots in yesterday and still same issue with not seeing the correct updates. One of them is a February patch so it should show up correctly. Something is broken on the LMI end for sure.
Yep! This is exactly when I have been trying to explain to them for all this time.
And all of a sudden I come back later in the day and it is only showing 1 update available, when clearly was 2 this morning. Details are still not available.
Yes, you will see this change. I have had computers show there are X amount of updates available but LMI has no details and then after a reboot or if a user actually does an update on their own, the X amount will change. I have even seen it change when Microsoft comes out with a new cumulative update that contains multiple fixes. The bottom line is that if LMI can see there are X amount available then it should have detail on said update so it can be applied and it's no longer doing that
After the weekend still reporting the same. I am going to continue to put this in until LMI can figure this out.
Showing 2 updates when I am on the machine
And still not showing correct in LMI
Just waiting for LMI to fix the issue