I would like to post an answer I recieved a response from the response
So basic flow here would be:
If this flow is done properly, you should not need to login using the browser again, but it is good to always have the ability to feed your app a new code just in case
Maybe this help someone.
Also the reason for the
{ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Required parameter(s) missing or wrong." }
Error was that the redirect_url was not the same I had in the access token request. Mybe that helps someone
https://api.getgo.com/oauth/v2/authorize?client_id=CLIENT_ID_HERE&redirect_uri=https://mywebsite.io // use the same redirect_uri here curl --location --request POST 'https://api.getgo.com/oauth/v2/token' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic <BASE64 client_id : client_secret>' \ --header 'Accept: application/json' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code' \ --data-urlencode 'code={CODE}' \ --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri=https://mywebsite.io'
I am trying to register users via the API endpoint https://api.getgo.com/G2W/rest/v2/organizers/{organizerKey}/webinars/{webinarKey}/registrants with a test body of
{"firstName": "Testname","lastName": "Lastname'","email": "string@test.de"}
I always get the error "Your request could not be processed because the request body is not parsable".
I sticked to the instructions here https://developer.goto.com/GoToWebinarV2/#operation/createRegistrant, tried with "Accept: application/json" and "Accept: application/vnd.citrix.g2wapi-v1.1+json" in the header.
Does anybody know this error and what could case it?
No problem in Postman calling the API REST:
with Headers: Accept, Authorization, Cache-Control, Content-Type and Host and with Parameters: fromTime and toTime. The results are OK.
But when I try this in code, CLASSIC ASP calling MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0 REST, the result is:
{"errorId":"f186c7ac-a8be-4fa3-a72a-63b68f027dce","requestId":null,"timeStamp":1614797938102,"reason":"invalid.data","errorCode":"invalid.data","description":"Required DateTime parameter 'fromTime' is not present","incident":"1048515592356393472","details":null}
This is the code:
url = "https://api.getgo.com/G2W/rest/v2/accounts/23232323/webinars?"
Dim oXMLHttp
Set oXMLHttp=Server.Createobject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.6.0")
oXMLHttp.open "GET", url, false
oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Accept", "application/json"
oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Authorization", authorization_bearer_code
oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Cache-Control", "no-cache"
oXMLHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
'oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"
oXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Host", "api.getgo.com"
FromTime =Server.UrlEncode("2021-02-27T00:00:00Z")
ToTime =Server.UrlEncode("2021-03-03T00:00:00Z")
strData = "fromTime=" & FromTime & "&toTime=" & ToTime & ""
oXMLHttp.send strData
response.write oXMLHttp.responseText
Set oXMLHttp = Nothing
Response.status = 200
Can u help me, please?
The authorization_bearer_code is obtained in the same way, and the call is correct.
Thanks in advance
Hi folks,
I'm using this API to create a webinar and I made someone else a host.
But when I hit the following API to update the meeting, I'm not able to do that even if I'm an admin.
I can't even hit other APIs to add co-organizers like https://developer.goto.com/GoToWebinarV2/#operation/createCoorganizers
It says:
"Authentication succeeded, but access to the requested resource is denied."
Is there any special permission for admin so that I can do this stuff with my account. The problem is only when I make someone else a host and trying to update the webinar.
Hi Aditya ,
I'm not certain you can update webinar events as an 'account administrator', though you may be able to get an answer from the API team here: https://developer.goto.com/support
They offer a lot of plug and play integrations.
Can you please help me with below scenario?
1. I want to create webinar by enabling ManualApproval during registration.
2. I want to fetch all the registrants of the webinar and verify if they have entered a passcode during registration. If so, I need to approve the registrant.
As far I understood, when user registers he will be in WAITING state.
Is there any API to change the status of registrant from WAITING to APPROVED?
Thanks in advance
@rmohan I'm not aware of any API calls like that, but you will want to reference the developer site for all of these inquiries: https://developer.goto.com/GoToWebinarV2/#tag/Registrants
Did you ever find a solution to this? What are you using for your webhooks?
Is it intended that the organizerKey is not needed? I tried using `/rest/v2/organizers/{organizerKey}/webinars` endpoint and its seems the result is based off the fromTime, toTime and the token. I can pretty much put any value that is not blank to the organizerKey and it still works.