ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Charges related to Webcast Mode ... OpenVoice Still, nothing on this. Have been passed off to billing, billing passes off to tech support, sales etc. Seems no one can answer this question about charges Re: Charges related to Webcast Mode ... OpenVoice Last week heard back from Tech support via an email stating, The webinar was offered as toll free, reason for the charges. I replied back to tech support stating, Webcast Mode does not offer toll free or phone option to registrants/attendees only offers it as an option to Organizers/panelist so again, how can I have 5,700 integrated phone minutes since we only had one speakers for those events on for 120 minutes. Last Friday I Asked the support person if we could set up a phone call to discuss. Haven't heard back yet Re: QR code for polling Thanks, I suppose we could nest the speakers photos into one graphic and use this to place at the top of the registration page. Not the best but it's an option. Maybe on a wish list as part of the registration page set up, have area to load speaker bio's and photos Re: QR code for polling Sort of related but maybe not. Is there a way to have speaker/presenter photos next to their bio in the program description? as part of the registration page? Thanks Re: Charges related to Webcast Mode ... OpenVoice Not a panic but haven't heard back from anyone on this ticket Re: QR code for polling Actually, I think I can add the QR code to the registration graphics the day before the last reminder email and update the text to mention the QR code and what it's being used for. That way the code would go out in the last reminder email. If anyone can think of another option, happy to hear. Thanks again QR code for polling Hello, On occasions we use a QR code for attendees that takes them to a polling software/tool. We do this when the polling is more creative like word clouds etc. Question, can anyone think of a place that would accept a QR code in like the email reminders or confirmation or would the email reminder or confirmation accept a hyper link that takes attendees to the QR code? Currently it appears you can add a graphic to the registration page but that isn't where we'd like to include this. Thanks Re: Charges related to Webcast Mode ... OpenVoice In the subject line, "integrated audio" should be where I have "Open Voice" Wonder, could there be some attendee devices not recognized in the Webcast Mode and fees apply just like minutes on a phone? Re: Charges related to Webcast Mode ... OpenVoice Just an update, opened up a case to figure out what these 5,700 minutes of Integrated audio is for 8 Webcast (mode) we did in December. Long story short, since Webcast Mode doesn't offer attendee phone dial in info and we only had one speaker dial in for 1.5 hours of all 8 programs. Can't seem to figure out what these 5,700 minutes are. Also, our Webcast throughout the year also have these Integrated audio charges. Don't get me wrong, the charges are minimal but! still like to know what they are. Thanks Re: Charges related to Webcast Mode ... OpenVoice Something is off, 8 Webinars/webcast we did in the first week of December all have charges of many minutes = 5,200 But we only had one speaker on one webcast for 70 minutes. Testing the connections for all 8 activities we were on - on occasions. My best calculations is we should have only used up a total of 430 ish minutes. Do you think I should speak to someone in billing or tech support? Thanks