ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Logging into client mac can't see icons or anything other then menu bar HELP! This Mac is running Monterrey 12.5 Not the first time connecting to this mac and this happens after a period of time on all of our macs - all running Monterrey - not just on first use. I can go and look at the privacy and security settings this computer is in my office. The user rebooted the computer last night and that seems to have go it working again. I also on occasion of have tried the known fix for when logmein get stuck in a session on a mac. I SSH in and end and restart the logmein plist. That's worked with varying success. Re: Logging into client mac can't see icons or anything other then menu bar HELP! Same issue here, see image below for what we mean. Re: Blank screen when controlling a Mac system Nope no dice, doesn't do a thing. Re: Blank screen when controlling a Mac system Agree, I have remote users that when this happens I have to jump through several hoops before I can get into their computers. This used to be a once and awhile thing, which though wasn't good I could live with it, now it's every time I try and remote in. Re: Blank screen when controlling a Mac system Idk about you but I've always had trouble with logmein on macs, routinely hang or cant access them for some reason. Also just generally always slower and lag more than PCs. What you might wanna try in the mean time is to restart the logmein in service (if you can ssh into the device). First command below requires admin privilege's to run, and it shuts off the logmein mac equivalent of a PC service. sudo launchctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.logmein.logmeinserver.plist Next one turns it back on, doesn't require a password to run. sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.logmein.logmeinserver.plist Re: Need a report with computer description and computer name Reports in general needs a bit of an overhual (so do alerts tbh) the biggest issue I have with reports is it doesn't have the actual computername. The information is readliy available in logmein why not in a report? The LogMeIn description is there but that isn't the computer name. In fact when you download an inventory report the column with the LogMeIn description is labeled as 'Hostname', that's just patently wrong. Any way I was told to post this here so that they could see how much feedback this would get in order for it to be worth developers time to make this no change is gunna ever happen..... ...unlesss.....IF YOU SEE THIS GIVE IT KUDOS!!