ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Federal Employees issues with joining our meetings I am only guessing, but my guess is that they are blocked from downloading the app at all and are forced to use GTM in the browser. Probably Edge. If they do download it, it will be whatever is downloaded from your servers when the click the link. I do not believe they have installed GTM Windows application, nor would they likely be willing to... Again - I don't work for them, so educated guess. I'll ask around a bit. Federal Employees issues with joining our meetings We interact heavily with a Federal Agency. They have continual issues with accessing/using GTMeeting. Even it launches its partially blocked, video won't show, etc... They've started asking us to not use your product and always ask them for Webex links instead. We are thinking about reaching out to their IT folks to see if we can get things unblocked, but that is always a convoluted process. I'm GUESSING their security settings are the issue... but not sure Anyone else have this issue with USA Government agencies or similar? SolvedNew GoToMeeting Website forces "web version" by default Here's a new thing we discovered. A major update was made to the interface at recently. More info: Our organization prefers organizers to often use a single sign on launcher (Okta) to have folks go to that website and launch meetings or rooms from there as opposed to the app or using links in calendar invites. Some folks do use calendar invites, but launching from is very common. We are using the classic version of desktop app as the new app is too resource intensive and has issues with not allowing you to break out windows (cameras, etc..) that we prefer in older version. In the past when launching a meeting from the website interface it would launch the desktop app. Now it opens a separate browser window with a preview of camera. If you continue it launches the "web" version of GTM. You must click "Switch to the Desktop App" at the bottom of the separate browser window to launch the app. These updates/changes have already caused major confusion and use difficulties in our office today. Why is it preferred to launch the "web version" in this instance? Wouldn't launching the desktop app make more sense as the default? SolvedRe: Issue promoting attendee to panelist who is attending via GTW iphone app While I accepted as a solution... I bet you can guess what my request is for the future... LOL Please add this functionality to iPhone. Thanks for the quick answer and consideration. Sorry I missed this in the help pages Issue promoting attendee to panelist who is attending via GTW iphone app use case: Running a GTWebinar session. For this particular meeting we often have folks join as regular attendees and then promote a range of them to be panelists so they can turn on cameras and contribute to the conversation. Twice now we've had folks join and we promote those we want to panelist and it works well. EXCEPT one attendee who joins this way. He clicks attendee link from our website on his iphone 14 in Safarai, this launches the GTW app which he has on his phone. He successfully joins the meeting on the GTW app as a general attendee and can be unmuted if needed. If I right click on his name i do NOT get the option to promote him to a panelist. Is this a limitation of the GTW app for someone who has joined this way? Would sending him a panelist email bypass this issue if he is still using his iPhone to join the meeting? SolvedRe: System slows dramatically down during GoTo Meetings as far as we can tell at our shop this is a common issue with the new GTM app. If you are are not running the new upgraded GTM app your mileage may vary. But in our testing our HP Elitebooks running 16mg of ram and Intel i5s bog down terribly with the new GTM app. Still some beta work to clean up there I think. Re: Organizers dropped from that status for no apparent reason Glenn, I admit I have not opened a ticket for this... but I will work with our IT folks to do so... Dropped by to say I just saw this issue again today. Organizers dropped from that status for no apparent reason Issue: Folks listed as co-orgs for a meeting room and STILL show as co-orgs in the GoTo web hub. However, when they join the meeting they are not listed as co-orgs and do not have organizer controls. Removing them from room and then readding them seems to work to fix some of the time. Is this a known issue? SolvedRe: Cannot register using Internet Explorer 11 I can confirm I have Fed Govt users who are now complaining of this issue. They are not always allowed to use other browsers. What is link to the "unsupported browsers page" for GTW that i can point them at to offer alternatives. Taking support away from IE11 without some extra communication to users is a bummer. We have SO. MANY. FED AND STATE GOVT EMPS who attend our webinars. If you were to say, but they should move to Edge or Chrome - believe me WE ALL KNOW THAT. But it can be a sloooow process. I confirmed with several folks that their orgs actually allow them to move to Edge but they hadn't/didn't know that... Re: End broadcast, but keep the connection for organisers afterwards. Bump, would really get a lot of use out of this functionality...