ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: View client names when using update module Hi, that's good news as it would really speed certain tasks up. For example we have over 400 machines, and we've noticed FileZilla always fails to update so have to do it manually, however to find out which computers need FileZilla updating we have to click on every individual machine and click apply updates! Thanks Re: Filter on online/offline devices within 'Updates' Does anyone actually review these suggestions? It feels like a black hole for ideas. View client names when using update module when selecting devices inside 'Updates' > 'Applications', be able to see the device names which the updates are going to apply to, same goes for the 'Updates' > 'Windows' area. The history tab should also show what software has failed to update. For example; i've selected multiple devices inside 'Updates' > 'Applications' and clicked 'Apply Updates' - see image below, it doesn't show which devices are getting what update: History tab does not show what software updates have failed to apply: Filter on online/offline devices within 'Updates' To be able to filter on online/offline devices within 'Updates' > 'Applications' and also within 'Updates' > 'Windows'. This filter is available in most other areas of LMI Central but is inconsistent across the platform. Feature update to Application and Windows update module First of all - is there an appropriate place for feature requests to be submitted? Request #1 - be able to filter on online/offline devices within 'Updates' > 'Applications' and also within 'Updates' > 'Windows'. This filter is available in most other areas of LMI but is inconsistent across the platform. Request #2 - when selecting devices inside 'Updates' > 'Applications', be able to see the device names which the updates are going to apply to, same goes for the 'Updates' > 'Windows' area. The history tab should also show what software has failed to update. For example; i've selected multiple devices inside 'Updates' > 'Applications' and clicked 'Apply Updates' - see image below, it doesn't show which devices are getting what update: History tab does not show what software updates have failed to apply: Thanks, Matthew Re: Application updates failing to update LMI clientI have noticed they released a new version 2 days after 4.1.14496, so i'm wondering if that version was pulled from the repo and that's why it's failing.Re: Update featureWe had this exact same conversation the other day. It would help tremendously to be able to do this. -MatthewRe: Move or Edit User Groups missing from admin accountHave you tried creating a new user group, giving it all the permissions and adding yourself to there? If it resolved it, it wouldn't make sense. But it's what i'd probably try.Application updates failing to update LMI client Question for anyone using the Updates add-on. When going to 'Updates' > 'Applications' there are tonnes of computers which have > 1 update available. One of which is LogMeIn (current version:4.1.14344, target version4.1.14496). I have tried updating multiple computers but when looking in history they are just failing. It doesn't help that the 'History' section under 'Updates' is absolutely useless and gives no explanation whatsoever why the update failed, or even WHICH updates failed. Is anyone else experiencing this please? Another thing which doesn't work in applications is the 'sort' buttons. Meaning when inside'Updates' > 'Applications', if you click on 'Updates Available' to see the computers which require the most updates, you will see a somewhat random list of numbers: Thanks, Matthew Solved