ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Confirm for Delete Acknowledged I would think this would be pretty easy to fix. It was bad UI from the beginning and I don't understand why it hasn't been addressed. How hard can it be to add a confirmation before deleting? If that's too difficult, how about putting a little more space between Acknowledge and Delete? Re: Confirm for Delete Acknowledged It's very easy to do. They are literally about 1/16" apart. This really needs to be fixed. Confirm for Delete Acknowledged Can we please add a confirm step to "Delete Acknowledged" on the Alerts page. That and confirm are very close together and it's way to easy to delete rather than acknowledge an alert which then destroys your alert history. I've done this quite a few times and have requested this before. In general, almost any "delete all" button should require confirmation before deleting. How about adding a "Do it Later" button next to the "Do it Now" button on the appl update EULA? I'm partly kidding but the linked policies are pretty expansive and the box takes up a large amount of screen space. The ability to click later and close it down temporarily would be nice. Re: Windows Updates So it's patch weekend and guess what? Two of the four available patches for Windows 10 are not being recognized by LMI yet again. The dreaded "Details not yet available" message for both KB890830 (Standard monthly MSRT) and KB4537759 (MS Security update for Adobe Flash Player) I don't understand - this used to be an occasional problem. Now it's a constant issue and renders the LMI update capabilities useless. If we have to get on every machine to finish updates what good is this module? Re: Windows Updates I apprecaite your response and really wish that was the case. Unfortunately I have had multiple tickets open on this issue and the problem has only become worse. Support always want access to my client’s computers which is very inconvenient. I have however played along in the past. The annoying thing is this is a very repeatable issue and should be able to be investigated in house. If someone at LMI would setup a test computer and manage windows updates on it using LMI Central I pretty much guarantee you would see the dreaded "Details not yet available..." message very quickly. To make it easier make sure the target PC has Windows Defender enabled because those updates are processed thru WU and very often cause issues. BTW - The last time I called in on this problem the tech told me this was by design and that it prevents dangerous or malicious updates from getting pushed. This was on the Friday after MS patch Tuesday and the patch causing the issue was a MS security update that amongst other things fixed a zero-day vulnerability. Not helpful at all. In addition, most of my patching takes place on weekends to minimize impact on my customers and surprisingly there is still no phone support on weekends. Re: Windows Updates The problem was even worse this month with the MS updates. Windows 7, Windows 10 and Server 2012r2 were all showing patches missing because of "details not available". Made for a very long weekend and makes the Windows update feature of LMI Central pretty useless. Because of these issues I had to log onto every computer individually. That's not what I'm paying for. Windows Updates LogMeIn Central's Windows Update feature is not recognizing the vast majority of December's patches. I've had issues with some patches before but this is the worst I've ever seen. On Windows 7 machines it's only recognizing 3 of the 10 to 11 patches that are availible. It shows the correct number of patches but when you click on it to show the actual patches you get the dreaded "Details not yet available for x updates. Please check again later." message. On Windows 7 machines there are at least 7 updates not showing up including the main December security monthly quality rollup (KB4530734) and all the MS Office updates. On WIndows 10 it's not recognizing the December Windows MSRT patch (KB890830) Are others seeing this as well? It's really going to impact my patch weekend workload. I called into support and got no real help.