Call Forward button
We could use a FORWARD button that can be set from the admin portal. Right now I have to login to the phones set a button as Forward. That works great, the LED lights when on, off when off. I would think it should be an easy add for the programmer to add the button. It may have to end up being a fixed destination but even that is better then nothing15Views0likes1CommentCheck Shared Voicemail from the client and web app
We would like the ability to check shared voicemail directly from the client and web app. Preferably in its own tab per shared voicemail so they do not get mixed up. Maybe with the name and extension. This is something we have had for a very long time with the previous old pbx and we are already missing with just one group of users being moved to GoTo connect.937Views9likes3CommentsSuper Admins access user portals
In the old admin portal we could click at access a users portal. It would be GREAT if that could be brought back. Like, you go to a user profile and click a link to open their page with out the need to enter their password. From there we could make user changes that we can't from the admin portal and without trying to talk them through making the changes themselves.Live Speech to Text Transcription
Is there a way to do live speech to text, RTST (I just made that up), not text to speech, with GoTo Connect? Either a PC app or within the desktop app. I have a customer interested in this service. Android has a Live Transcribe app, but if I want to use it with a phone on GoTo Connect the conversation has to be on speaker phone to pick up both sides of the conversation.AI Sound Clip Greeting
Hello GoTo, I love the AI text to speech option! One thing I would suggest is to save the text so it can be easily modified in the future. Right now I am suggesting customers they store the typed out greetings in a Google Doc or Word. If this is not possible it would be nice to at least the text format that was saved, even if it is unable to be changed. It would be nice to copy and paste it in case they didn't save the format for future reference. Thank you!101Views0likes3CommentsSchedule "Temporary message" for Voicemail Boxes
Hello! As its the holiday and I find myself unable to set a custom temporary VM recording to the mailboxes needing it. I have to be on the website to perform this on the day(s) its needed, and then replace it with the original msg when we return to the office. It would be better to let us schedule a temporary msg, as its just that, temporary. This would be great not only for holidays but for all users that are out of the office for any short amount of time. Holidays are slightly different since users wont be in the office to set the temporary VM recording (or remove it), which is why I am requesting this to be considered. It could be part of the "Schedule" since there is a section to mark days as a holiday, in that same set up, they could add a msg for those days that correspond with the days marks as holiday on the schedule Adding this to the holiday details window: 2 yrs ago another user also requested this, kinda.. but it seems that it went no where. So looking to bring this up again.26Views0likes1CommentLink Sound Clips to Holiday Schedules
With this improvement many MSP's or multi-site admins would be able to set a holiday schedule once a year with specific voicemail messages linked to each holiday in their schedule. Currently we are having to set calendar reminders before every relevant holiday to remember to update the dial plan of each site (client in our case), in order to match the holiday voicemail message to the already scheduled upcoming holiday. This of course can be mitigated by using generic holiday messages, but not all clients are so flexible.Control Schedule from line key (button)
It would be great to be able to over ride the Schedule from a button on the phone. It would be something line: Press a "night mode" button that is linked to a Schedule. Get prompted or just enter 1 for normal Schedule (LED off) 2 for not open Schedule (LED Green) 3 for Holiday (LED red) And have the LED show that state.DND Presence Indicator
It would be great to see when another phone is in DND. We use Yealink mainly and with the T57W it will show when someone is talking or when a user puts their call on hold but it doesn't show when that phone is in DND. I think the BLF key should be red when in DND1.8KViews9likes7CommentsText to Audio for reading the auto-attendant greetings
Built in Text to Audio for reading the auto-attendant greeting with voice selections. Giving the end user/ tech the ability to simply back space and type in auto-attendant changes without having someone redo the recording.553Views0likes2Comments