Suggestion: Option to extend PIN Code timer past 24 hours
It would be nice to have a 48 hour and 72 hour option for the PIN code. In our organization we often have technicians scheduling sessions throughout the week and sometimes find the 24 hour option is too limited.Solved1.2KViews0likes3CommentsHow to cc users on incidents
I have users that will email the support email address and cc someone else. Let's say Matt emails support but cc's Jim. Well Matt gets all the email correspondence because he is the incident owner. To Jim it looks like Matt put in a support case and hasn't heard back. How do I make it so that Jim will get the updates that Matt gets?View System Information
Would it be possible to get the "View System Information" section when in a session to include the serial number? It grabs a lot of good information but appears to be missing that which is a little shocking as that should probably be easier to attain than other portions already there.1.7KViews1like2CommentsCan session log tell if file manager was used?
Hi, I recently used MacKeeper and got about 15 minutes deep into someone having access to my computer over LogMeIn Rescue before realizing “hey wait, this is sketchy”. I closed the connection and ended the session, and I think I uninstalled all of the related software. I can’t find any MacKeeper, Krom, or LMI Rescue files. I read a number of recent articles about how MK is more legit now, but I don’t know if I buy it.Solved2KViews0likes1CommentReporting - All User activity between a date range
Hello, Is it possible to get a list of incidents that had activity between two dates? By activity, I mean there was a response by the Service Desk user or by the customer, or that the issue was created, closed or had a status changed between those two dates. The reason I am looking for this is that we would like our Service Desk users to be able to see any issue they interacted with so that they can fill out their timesheets easier. Currently I can only see "Last Responded At", or "Created At" etc. Those values don't allow searching for incidents that had activity between a date range. Thanks, Cd1.2KViews0likes1CommentOrganize active sessions into groups
I would like to suggest updating the Unattended Sessions Feature. There needs to be a way to Organize sessions into Groups as you add them. When you have dozens of unattended sessions open it becomes confusing which PC's belong to whom. For example: Company 1 ( Group ) - PC1 ( Unattended session ) - PC2 ( Unattended session ) Company 2 ( Group ) - PC1 ( Unattended session ) - PC2 ( Unattended session )1.4KViews0likes1CommentDate/Time stamp on Rescue screen prints
I was wondering if was there a possibility to add date/time stamps on Rescue Lens photos. When saving screenshots, we can have that info in the file name/info, however some clients saw the need of having it on the picture itself. When taking printscreens for audits, for example, that would be really helpful. Regards,1.7KViews0likes2Comments