Call Volume Reports for Past 30 days sorted by hours of the day
We would like to be able to get a report that shows call volume (call over time) by the hour for the past 30days. You are able to see this for a single day however you are not able to see this for the past week to 30days. It would be great to be able to see this information to know what hours of the day we are receiving higher call volumes, but would like it to be looked at for a larger span of time than just a single day.2Views0likes0CommentsVoicemail Reports
I may have suggested this before, but I've had some customers recently ask me for a voicemail report (full, number of messages, etc.). They are looking for a report that lists all users and their voicemail box status. As far as I know, the only way to get that is by manually logging in to each user' mail box or desktop app. Something like the image below. Hopefully this can be added. If it's already available, I don't know where to find it. Thanks!13Views0likes0CommentsForced = Forced
So the Supervisor Interface when user is paused says Forced but GoTo 0.574.0 4.12.2 user interface shows user as Away. Now we don't want users using Away as an option so Forced was perfect. Now all of our users have been using Away which we don't want as a selection status. How about we keep Forced as is and change the user interface back to it so that users don't think it is an away from desk function. Forced stays Forced initiative.18Views0likes1CommentAlerts - New Software - More granular filters
We would like the ability to use a filter to include/exclude keywords when creating new software alerts. For example, we do not want to have alerts for Microsoft product installation/updates. So we would like to exclude alerts for any product that contains the word "Microsoft"13Views2likes0CommentsSpam and Fraud call protection enhancements
We need some call spam and Fraud protections and blocklists. There should be a way to see known spam call lists. There are a lot of spoofed numbers that are robocalls and they need to block or have a way to block unconfirmed calls. one way to validate calls is to confirm that a call matches the incoming number that is calling it is does not match do not allow it thru.42Views0likes5CommentsCall history in app
I would like to see a list of all calls that come in and Ring to a ring group and if it was missed and went to voicemail of not. The current issue we see is that if a call comes in to the ring group the folks part of that ring group cannot tell what came in and what was or was not answered.12Views0likes0CommentsAbility to see who is connected to remote devices while the session is still active
Currently you have to wait until a session has ended before the session shows up in reports. It would be very helpful to be able to see who is connected to a remote device while the session is still in progress. We are a large support center and there are times we need to know who is currently connected to a customer and the ability to see the connections real time would be a great improvement216Views1like2CommentsShow Canceled Webinars in Analytics
I went to cancel a webinar and inserted my new copy message. However, I wanted to save and preview. What occurred was the system automatically Cancelled the webinar and didn't send a message to registrants. Now, I can't return to a saved copy to make edits or the fact that an email that wasn't entirely ready to deploy actually deployed (or maybe it didn't deploy??) to the registrants. I went to the Past Events tab, and the original webinar set-up/schedule that was cancelled doesn't appear anywhere. No trace. No way to recover. Probably no deployment. It would be a great idea to keep record of webinars that have been set-up, cancelled, and saved. Allow the user to delete or keep for tracking purposes. I really needed to repurpose and reschedule this webinar. Now, your system has removed it completely!323Views2likes5Comments