Forum Discussion

MarkV's avatar
Active Contributor
4 years ago

Errors using Google Chrome

I have several users using Google Chrome as their browser to access LogMeIn Central. When trying to access remote computers they are getting this message: "This site can't provide a secure connection site sent an invalid response. Try running Windows Network Diagnostics. ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR". If they switch to using IE it works fine. Anyone know what settings need to be tweaked in Chrome to make this work?  Leads me to believe it's an SSL issue.

  • MarkV's avatar
    4 years ago

    What we suspect is some people here are using Chrome other are still using IE.  What I've found is if I uninstall Logmein Central from PC having this problem and then generate a new install link using Chrome the issue goes away.  Not sure why beyond my technical knowledge but a work around anyway.




    Mark Valverde

6 Replies

  • reekjohns's avatar
    New Contributor
    4 years ago

    When a browser shows the Err_ssl_protocol_error, it indicates the browser is no longer able to access or initiate the secured communication. There is no definite guide for managing this error. Follow given steps to resolve this error from Client side:


    • Try correcting the system date and time.
    • Try clearing Google Chrome browsing data.
    • Try clearing your SSL State.
    • Try disabling the QUIC Protocol.
      Try checking your antivirus settings.
    • Try enabling all SSL/TLS versions.

      Also, this error is because of the following server side problems:


    • Invalid SSL or SSL is untrusted (self-signed)
    • SSL Not installed properly
    • Old Technology or SSL/TLS version for encryption


  • MarkV's avatar
    Active Contributor
    4 years ago

    A coworker of mine found another work around.  On this screen:

    Click on "Try running Windows Network Diagnostics".  It won't find anything wrong but when you close and click on "Reload" the connection will work.  As an additional fyi Logmein Support thinks the issue is something on our network and they may be right.  If I login to our Logmein account at home it works fine using Chrome or Edge so it looks like they are right.  Now what is wrong on our work network I have no idea.

  • MarkV's avatar
    Active Contributor
    4 years ago

    Most of the computers are running Windows 10 but there are some server 2012 and new variations out there.  Not sure about and security plugins being used.  How do I check that?




    Mark Valverde

  • MarkV's avatar
    Active Contributor
    4 years ago

    What we suspect is some people here are using Chrome other are still using IE.  What I've found is if I uninstall Logmein Central from PC having this problem and then generate a new install link using Chrome the issue goes away.  Not sure why beyond my technical knowledge but a work around anyway.




    Mark Valverde

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    4 years ago


    Could you please give us the operating systems in use where this is happening, as well as any security plugins setup on the client side? 

  • yagap78083's avatar
    New Contributor
    4 years ago

    Ah true that, tested just now and facing the same error. Did you find out any way out?

    Kevin J. Hodge