Forum Discussion

Taz56's avatar
Active Contributor
7 years ago

Your connection to the remote computer has been lost

I have an account with a few hundred machines on it. Most but not all of my machines have started to give me the error "Your connection to the remote computer has been lost" when I try and connect.


Windows 10 - 64bit

We have been using this for some time (years) and it has always worked. Just this week all of the sudden we get this error.

The machine shows on-line

I click it and it says "Please wait while a connection is established"

It establishes and then asks me for the ID and PW to connect to that machine.

As soon as I put it in, I get "Disconnected, Your connection to the remote computer has been lost"

repeat over and over. BUt not all machines (same ID and PW for every machine)


  • Resolved.


    Issue was YOU GUYS added more IP address's to your range, possibly spun up new servers? Not sure.


    But either way we whitelisted the new IP's you are using and we can now connect again. We will know to check this first in the future but it would be nice if you guys sent out some sort of cumminication when you do these things.




4 Replies

  • Taz56's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago



    Issue was YOU GUYS added more IP address's to your range, possibly spun up new servers? Not sure.


    But either way we whitelisted the new IP's you are using and we can now connect again. We will know to check this first in the future but it would be nice if you guys sent out some sort of cumminication when you do these things.




  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    Taz56  Can you be more specific about the network / firewall / systems in place?


    I'd say the next step is to have someone physically in front of one of the problem PCs to continue troubleshooting there.

  • Taz56's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago

    It all is yes.


    These are corporate PC's, all the same machine, same OS, same Admin ID and PW.


    Our license expired on Monday of this week and was renewed the same day.  (oops)


    We thought it might be that the machines needed a reboot to grab the new license but we are connecting to machines with no problem that have not been restarted at all.  

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    Taz56  Sorry about that. 

    It sounds like you are starting to isolate the problem there.  What might be in common between the hosts that decline the connection attempts?  Same OS?  Same LAN?  Same security?