Forum Discussion

DebraGill's avatar
New Contributor
11 months ago

New GoToWebinar

I switched over to the new platform, ad was smart enought to do a test webinar first.  In the old platform we would have guest organizers and would add them to the list and they would receive their join link. Once I started the session (not the actual start boardcast) the organizers would be able to come in to set up and I would switch them to presenters.  When using the new version it does not work that way anymore. When the guest organizer clicks the link it gives them a message that says the organizer has not started the webinar. It was started, because I was waiting for them to join. When I phone GTW, I was told that my organizers did not have a license. Since when do guest organizers/presenters need a license? So I had to switch back to the old version.  Please do not roll out a new version if it does not work.  I was very disappointed, and hope they fix this issue.

7 Replies

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    11 months ago

    DebraGill Yes. They did have to wait before I entered and couldn't start it themselves, but once I started it they entered. 


    When you start the webinar, the voiceover indicates "Welcome to the Webinar, you have entered as an organizer and can now speak with other organizers or panelists on the line, when you are ready for your attendees to hear you, press the Start Webinar on the GoTo panel."

  • DebraGill's avatar
    New Contributor
    11 months ago

    I'm confused! Were they able to enter when you launched it and before you hit the start broadcast button?  

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    11 months ago

    DebraGill Hi there,


    I tested it on my end in pre-broadcast and the Panelists/Co-organizers were able to enter the webinar when I had launched the webinar, but they needed to wait until I started the webinar first.


    All of this was noted by the voice-over and banners, so you should be able to have panelists and co-organizers before attendees enter, as long as you started it. 

    Can you try testing it again and make sure you have assigned them panelist/co-organizer status? 

  • DebraGill's avatar
    New Contributor
    11 months ago

    When my guest presenter clicks on the link they get the message that the webinar hasn't started yet.  It has because I started it.  I didn't click start broadcast, because were were trying to do the setup. My presenters use to be able to get in with the link, but they can't in the new gotowebinar module.


  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    11 months ago

    DebraGill1 I just started a webinar and the message said that you are in pre-broadcast mode and can speak with other organizers and panelists, so they should be able to enter. I'm going to try a test webinar and invite others and see if there is anything wrong. 

  • DebraGill1's avatar
    New Member
    11 months ago

    No, this was not a pratice. I set up a dummy webinar and started it like I normally do.  When I start a webinar I wait for the actual speakers to come in, then I give them the controls and make them the presenter.  It would not let them in, even thought I listed them in oganizers and they received the link. It kept saying the organizer has not started the session yet or something to that effect. When I called to ask about it that was when I was told that they had to have a license which is ridiculous. 



  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    11 months ago

    Hi DebraGill welcome to the GoTo Community


    Thanks for trying the GoTo Webinar Beta. 


    Co-organizers and panelists do not require a license. I apologize for any confusion during your support call.


    Did you enter using Practice mode? Organizers and panelists should be able to join when in practice mode while attendees can not.