Forum Discussion

eUROGEN-DS's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Video views missing from Video Library

Hi. Since December, we can no longer see the number of views for each of our videos in the library dated after the end of May 21. They are still there prior to that date. With the analytics, we can only look back 12 months, so we'd have to go into each individual report for the remaining recordings each month to get the numbers! I had seen mention of an update to the database that had caused some issues - is this another effect of that?

Many thanks in advance for help/guidance.

10 Replies

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    eUROGEN-DS thanks again for your reports and your response here. The team has been alerted and will investigate. 

  • eUROGEN-DS's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    Hi. The behaviour has happened on numerous different systems/browers (Chrome on Macbook, Chrome on iMac, Edge in Windows 10). I have just tested it in Firefox (v111.0.1) on an iMac, having cleared the entire history/cache, and the issue remains. My colleague experiences the same issue too, so I don't believe that the cache can be causing this.





  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    eUROGEN-DS thanks for the additional information. Can you please clear the cache in your browser and let me know if you notice the same behavior?  If it's still occurring can you please share the browser and browser version? 

  • eUROGEN-DS's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    Hi, Kate. I don't see a choice to sort the videos in the library, but they are definitely sorted by publishing date by default (most recent first).


    As I said previously, the first three pages have no views, whilst pages 4-6 do. However, as we add new videos, those that move from page 3 to page 4 suddenly show the views where they did not before. And related to this, I've also noticed something else:

    • I refresh the video library page and am on page 1
    • If I click page 2 or 3 next, they do not load, but appear immediately, as though they were already loaded
    • However, clicking page 4, you can see the page load
    • If I then click on page 5 or page 6, they also then appear immediately
    • It seems then that they are loading the information in batches of three pages at a time, but the views are missing from that initial load.

    I hope that helps!

    Many thanks



  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    eUROGEN-DS we are still trying to figure out what is going on with your views. I viewed two videos in my library and was able to see the view counted today. I don't have multiple pages, so can't entirely replicate your experience. Could you double-check that there are views for your latest reporting, just sort by publishing date. 



  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    eUROGEN-DS I appreciate the screenshots, it does help to show where, I've shared this feedback with the team, and while I don't have a reason yet as too why you aren't seeing views, I will keep you updated when I learn more. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. 

  • eUROGEN-DS's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    Hi. Yes, people have registered for the videos in question. The most recent one has had 30 views.


    I've attached two screenshots below. The first is Page 1 of the video library (the first video is the one mentioned above). Pages 2 and 3 are the same as this. The second attachment is Page 4 of the video library, which shows the views.



  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    eUROGEN-DS checking with members of our team, they reported that the views should still be available. Is it possible the videos have no views? Can you view a report and see if participants have registered for the webinar? 

  • eUROGEN-DS's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    Hi, KateG . Sorry for the delay in replying! No, I wasn't building a report (since these are limited in how far they can go back - 18 months, yes?). Rather, I was simply going to the video library. Previously, all of the displayed videos would have their views stated on them, but this is no longer the case. However, checking again now, it doesn't appear to be due to the date of the video as I thought previously. The views are still showing from Page 4 of the results onwards, but do not show on the first three pages! That seems very odd. I've tried this on both Chrome and Edge and see the same thing.

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    3 years ago

    Hi eUROGEN-DS welcome to the GoTo Community. can you tell me how you are trying to view the registrants so I can check on my end? Are you building a report?