Forum Discussion

Line's avatar
Active Contributor
5 years ago

Why can I book two webinars to run simultanously? Can I "overrule" booked webinar with another?

1) How come it is possible to book two webinars to take place at the same time? Shouldn't GTW block for the second booking?

2) Does that mean, that I can start another webinar at a time, where another webinar is booked in, and thereby overrule/interrupt the already booked webinar? Shouldn't GTW ensure that it can not happen?


  • Part of the reason you can schedule simultaneous webinars is due to the option for on-demand / recorded / simulated-live events, which are allowed to occur at the same time.

4 Replies

  • Line's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago

    okay that makes sense :)

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    Part of the reason you can schedule simultaneous webinars is due to the option for on-demand / recorded / simulated-live events, which are allowed to occur at the same time.

  • Line's avatar
    Active Contributor
    5 years ago

    Thanks :) 

    I think that it would be much better if GTW did not allow for booking two webinars at the same time, or at least would make a flashing warning sign when trying to.


    Your point with being able to make a new webinar if the other is stuck is good :) However it would be nice if the host of the ongoing webinar  had to allow the "new" webinar to start, to avoid that others start a webinar while your own is onging.

  • Chris Droessler's avatar
    Chris Droessler
    Respected Contributor
    5 years ago

    You might book a new webinar and temporarily assign a date and time that might conflict with another until you can move it to the final date/time.  A flashing warning sign when you schedule two a the same time would be nice, just in case you don't notice the issue, or in situations like mine, where multiple people can schedule webinars.


    If you try to start a new webinar while a webinar is already running you will get the message asking if you want to end the running webinar. If you do that, the running webinar will stop, and the new webinar will start.


    Yes, this is helpful, as there have been instances where the running webinar is stuck in the On position, and the only way to stop it is to create a new webinar and start it, thus stopping the webinar that won't stop.  Rare, but it has happened.