Forum Discussion

Ericatdmi's avatar
Active Contributor
7 years ago

Bring Back All Color Quality Options

Starting about a couple weeks ago, when I connect to client computers there are only the 3 highest color quality options available to select.

There used to be 6.

Typically I would set the quality to the lowest color option to improve the speed/responsiveness of the connection since I don't need the full video quality. 


Anyone know how to get all of the options back? Or has LogMeIn done away with the lower quality settings?


*** UPDATE *** 2/1/2019

So this still seems to be an issue. I just wanted to repost my work around on the top message for anyone that might not read through the whole thread:


For anyone that needs the lower video quality settings, here is a link to the last version of the Client app (1.3.3987) that had all 6 video quality settings. Files are in a ZIP with a README file detailing how to run the old version. The first time it launches, it will notify about an available update. Make sure to select "skip this update". Hopefully this will hold us over until LMI can get their act together and provide us the tools we need, especially since they keep jacking their prices up on us.!AtQflLceTy6fojN0KnGOKgZ3XwGM


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