Forum Discussion

radicaltype's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Alert Sounds not working

I'm running version 7.12.3325 64bit and the alert sounds no longer work for one of my LogMeIn accounts. I have two accounts. 


I have all the sound alerts checked. Tried turning them off & back on. I've also done a reinstall of the software. I've reinstalled Windows 10. I got a new hard drive the other day (not because of this issue) and have a clean install of everything on there & still no sound alerts from the one account. 


Any ideas on why that would be happening? Any help would be much appreciated. 




12 Replies

  • radicaltype's avatar
    New Contributor
    7 years ago

    Here is what I have

    I have an ATI graphics card that when HDMI is connected could be used as an Audio device but my monitor doesn't have speakers - I've disabled this today. 

    Digital S/PDIF integrated - Disabled today

    Also another Digital HDMI Audio - Disabled today

    Logitech Bluetooth wireless headset - Which I have on & will be listening through it to see if I get any sound

    Rear input for desktop speakers - Which are always on & are set as default. 


    I have windows 10 & have tried reseting the defaults for specific apps. I've also tried telling it that LogMeIn should default to the desktop speakers. None of which have worked. 


    This started about 2 weeks ago. I changed nothing that I am aware of. Shortly after this windows kept crashing on me so I did a reinstall on the hard drive. Installed LMIR again same issue. I was getting a new HDD & on it I have a completely fresh install of everything. Still same issue.


    Is this something that would be controlled by the admin console? Not even sure there is one. 

    Where are the sound alert files located? 


    Thanks & I hope this helps. 



  • sv5's avatar
    GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    Hello radicaltype!

    I have checked it on 2 different Win10 and Win8.1 PC-s and the sound works as expected.
    Could you clarify whether the impacted machines have multiple sound cards? E.g. nvidia VGA with audio and integrated motherboard chips? Because I have the feeling that can be the problem, when the speakers/headphone is plugged in the jack that is connected to the integrated chip, and the Nvidia audio is supposed to be used via HDMI cable from displays that have speakers or jack plugs for external speakers. And somehow the Rescue TC uses the other source.