Forum Discussion

sergen's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

command prompt issue

we are using logmein central.

throur the logmein client when you click on the home icon then go through computer management and clicking on command prompt you receive the following error:

error title: script error

error header: an error has occured in the script on this page.

Line: 1136

Char: 59

Error: the operation attempted to access data outside the valid range

code: 0


Do you want to continue running scripts on this page? yes or no. does not make any difference what option you select.


however, if we go via the loginme website and selecting command prompt it works with no issues. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to fix this?


  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Moderator

    Hi sergen welcome to the GoTo Community.  


    Can you try using the command prompt icon in the client app instead of going through Home > Dashboard > Computer Management > Command prompt


    I also recommend using the latest version (1.3.5398) if you are not. 



    • sergen's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Kate,


      no what you are suggesting does not work either. command prompt through loginmein client or clicking on the home button then going to command prompt either one does not work.

      • GlennD's avatar
        GoTo Manager

        Hi sergen JDman,


        It appears that Windows 10 /11/Server 2019 all automatically default to using powershell.exe over cmd.exe. We are researching options to force using the command prompt over powershell and we will update you here as progress is made. 


        For now, the workarounds are:

        • connect to the computer and launch the command prompt manually and run your script
        • convert your existing script to a powershell script 


    • Shrek_in_AZ's avatar
      New Contributor

      i am having same issue both on the client and home screen and can only access command prompt via log me in web site which does not allow for the running of my automated scripts i am using client version1.3.5442

      • sergen's avatar
        New Contributor
        I have the same issue. I formatted the pc and re-install windows from scratch this fixed the issue for a short while then the issue came back.