Forum Discussion

Strobely's avatar
Active Contributor
2 years ago

Logmein Client no longer installing along side Control Panel

All of a sudden, for some reason, Logmein control panel is installing, but the client is not. Normally they both install at the same time. I have to run a repair on the install and then it installs the control panel. I am not sure why this all of a sudden started. 

This is what I use to install the Windows Host LMI

start-process C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe -argumentlist "/I C:\temp\$lmilatest /qn /l*v C:\temp\lmiinst.log SETPOWERMANAGEMENT=0 LMIDESCRIPTION=`"$compname - $compmodel - `" COMPANYNAME=[companyname] ACCOUNTEMAIL=[accountemail] DEPLOYID=[deployid] SHOWCLIENT=0 SHOWCONTROLPANEL=0" -wait

  • Hi Strobely ,

    So, the client was installed but it wasn't showing, because of your command, correct?


    We have not received any information that there is a change in the installation of the software.  I would definitely open a support ticket for them to further investigate why this is happening.


    I had interpreted that you didn't want the client app to install. And if that is the case, during the installation process the code should be FORCESHOWCLIENT=0.


7 Replies

  • ipguy's avatar
    New Contributor
    5 months ago

    Where can we find  a full list of CLI command line options like FORCESHOWCLIENT ?

  • CS_HelpDesk's avatar
    GoTo Contributor
    2 years ago

    Hi Strobely ,

    So, the client was installed but it wasn't showing, because of your command, correct?


    We have not received any information that there is a change in the installation of the software.  I would definitely open a support ticket for them to further investigate why this is happening.


    I had interpreted that you didn't want the client app to install. And if that is the case, during the installation process the code should be FORCESHOWCLIENT=0.


  • Strobely's avatar
    Active Contributor
    2 years ago

    CS_HelpDesk Can you show me documentation that shows this is the case?

    I have always been using this command in this way. It is my understanding that setting showclient to 0 means that the client ui will not popup after the installation completes.

    Has this been changed?

  • CS_HelpDesk's avatar
    GoTo Contributor
    2 years ago

    Hi Strobely , 

    This command "SHOWCLIENT=0" will prevent the client app to be installed.

    Also, if you have a Host Preference assigned to your installation package that you have disabled the option to show the client app on the computer, could be the issue as well.


    If you want to install the Client, you want to change the command above to "SHOWCLIENT=1" or check your Host Preference to have the option to show the client, checked.

  • Strobely's avatar
    Active Contributor
    2 years ago

    We are on Windows 11 latest version