Forum Discussion
jdemodl Thanks, and just so I understand fully --- the host PCs that your people are remoting into, are they in different locations, using different ISPs?
the host computers are at our office in one location and the people are remoting into them from all over.
- AshC5 years agoRetired GoTo Contributor
jdemodl If the Hosts are in one single location, sharing the same LAN / ISP there, then it may be isolated to some networks settings there. Have you run any connection tests to LogMeIn servers?
- jdemodl5 years agoActive Contributor
we have no connection issues, we can run plenty other alternatives such as teamviewer perfectly fine with no issues.
- martinbristow5 years agoActive Contributor
AshC as is demonstrated by numerous comments in this forum the performance problem appears to be with the LogMeIn product/service itself and NOT the host/client configuration.
- we've performed exhaustive testing of other remote control solutions (VNC/TeamViewer/Connectwise Control) using identical hardware/connectivity and LogMeIn consistently provides the worst performance.
Rather than pretending the problem doesn't exist (which only serves to frustrate your customers) I'd advise looking at your internal systems/coding etc. in order to address the (very real) ongoing issues.
- chrlx-eng5 years agoNew Contributor
We've had the same issue with LogMeIn. I'm also using a new Macbook to connect to a remote Windows 10 workstation. The reason for the stutter is the resolution of your Macbook screen itself which believe is 2560 x 1600. If you connect a 1920x1080 or 1920x1200 external monitor and run your LogMeIn session on that screen the stuttering goes away. If you have an older (2008 13" Macbook) you won't have this issue since the resolution is 1280x800. As of now you cannot run your LogMeIn session directly on your new Macbook without major lag. This does not happen with RealVNC Pro. With RealVNC you can play videos on your remote Windows 10 workstation without any issues without the need of an external monitor. This is clearly a LogMeIn issue. I guarantee if you connect an external monitor your issues will go away or at the very least drastically improve. Give it a try. If you have an external monitor with higher resolution just change the resolution to 1920x1080 in System Preferences. I would love to see this resolved. @AshC