Forum Discussion

sfczarnecki's avatar
Active Contributor
6 years ago

Not Receiving Email Notifications

We stopped receiving email notifications this morning. We don't get alerts when an incident  is logged nor when it is updated or closed. Is there a global issue or is this just us?

  • abuschle's avatar
    Active Contributor

    We are expierencing notification delays up to 15 mins right now.  

    • abuschle's avatar
      Active Contributor

      We are seeing long notification delays again today.  Please resolve this!

      • gsmolens's avatar
        New Member

        How long have you been using GoTo Assist Service Desk, and how often does this delay happen in your experience?

      • abuschle's avatar
        Active Contributor

        Now its 45 mins.  Anyone else having issues?   This is becoming a frequent issue. 

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    sfczarnecki  Sorry, I haven't heard of any other email delays to report recently.  Have you double checked any email filters?  Could you DM me your login to see if the communications are making it through?

    • sfczarnecki's avatar
      Active Contributor

      Maybe it's us. I'll check our firewall and make sure nothing odd is happening. The delay is about 30 mins.

      I'll send you the login momentarily.

      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        sfczarnecki  Thanks for the update.  It looks like we have one server that could be trouble.  I see some delays in action items, and will update this thread with more info ASAP.