Forum Discussion

Bradyhed10's avatar
Active Contributor
4 months ago

GOTO calling support

How do I legitimately contact Goto support I have a real issue with our phone service and every time I call Goto connect I get put on hold and then disconnected from the call and this happens every t...
  • GlennD's avatar
    4 months ago

    Hi Bradyhed10,


    If you want telephone support you need to click on Contact Support at the top of our support page, or any of the Contact Support links which are displayed on all of our support articles. By using our Contact Support option we have record of inbound support calls, who made them, how long they were on hold, if the call was completed. It also enables us to identify any issues and make improvements.


    I see that you called and spoke to one of our representatives around the same time that you posted this, so please continue to use the Contact Support option going forward.