Aaron-MActive Contributor4 years agoSolvedEase of use for non-computer savvy attendees. Many of my attendees aren't that computer savvy. Is it pretty easy for them to log in and get situated for a webinar? AshC4 years agoAaron-M Feel free to share this short video with first-time participants: https://support.goto.com/webinar/help/video-attendee-quick-start-4-23-1308134931
AshC4 years agoAaron-M Feel free to share this short video with first-time participants: https://support.goto.com/webinar/help/video-attendee-quick-start-4-23-1308134931
AshC4 years agoAaron-M Feel free to share this short video with first-time participants: https://support.goto.com/webinar/help/video-attendee-quick-start-4-23-1308134931
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