Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
5 years ago

Pardot integration - multiple accounts



we recently signed-up for GoToWebinar, one of the main reasons being the Pardot connection.


All went well, the webinars are easy to setup and the Pardot connector has been implemented successfully, we can sync GoToWebinar webinars in Pardot directly, collect registered users, attended and non-attendees.


We face one big problem, still: more people from our organization use GoToWebinar for organizing webinars, that's why we created more users (using different email addresses to access their account/dashboards). Everyone created their webinars, but we are able to see in Pardot only the user connected via the connector (so we get in Pardot only the webinars created under only one user). The other webinars created by the additional users are not visible.


Is there a way of getting in Pardot all the webinars, created by all users? 

As I see it, a GoToWebinar account can have more users. Can we get in Pardot the webinars created under all users? Or all webinars created under the main account?


Thank you upfront,


  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member
    5 years ago


    You have to create a Pardot connector for each GoToWebinar user.

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member


    You have to create a Pardot connector for each GoToWebinar user.