Forum Discussion

LauPot's avatar
Active Contributor
2 years ago

Running prerecorded webinar multiple times

I've got a webinar event I'd like to run multiple times for different audeinces. I'd like each audience to be able to ask questions and for us to be able to answer these live at the end. Is there a way I can do this so the presenters can appear live at the end of the prerecorded content to answer questions, without us having to do the whole thing live each time?

To do this do I need to preset all the 'live' times for the audience to join on advance, or can I add additional dates in future? And if someone joins partway through the live event would they be able to see the recorded from where we are up to rather than it starting at the beginning, so they were in sync with the live question time at the end ?

Any tips/ how to videos on setting this up?
  • Hi LauPot, welcome to the community. 


    Here are the steps to achieve this:

    1. Host and record a live webinar (you can include real attendees or not). If you share any Polls future attendees will not be able to take part in them, so it's best to save that until the end when you will do the live Q and A.
    2. Download the recording of the webinar once it is ready
    3. Schedule your Live, Standard webinars (either as a series with individual registration, or multiple one off webinars)
    4. In the Engage your attendees section add the recorded webinar you made earlier

    When you start the scheduled webinars instead of talking and sharing your screen you go straight to sharing the video of the recorded webinar, and at the end of the video you can start your live Q and A session. If you have never shared a video in a webinar before I highly recommend a practice webinar to go through the process first.


8 Replies

  • KateG's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Hi  davidbeck welcome to the GoTo Community. 


    The audio from shared videos operates independently of the conference call audio, streaming through participants' computer speakers irrespective of their connection method (VOIP or phone). Consequently, potential dropouts may be tied to individual Internet or network stability.


    Regarding playback concerns,  If the video is being shared and played directly in real-time, it should be playing as expected for attendees and if they join after it has started, they should see what the video is currently playing from the presenter’s screen. So if you play a pre-recorded video for 45 minutes and attendees join at 15 min should see the video at the “live” current 15-minute mark, not at the beginning of the 45 min. If the video is played during a webcast, there can be a 20 second delay for attendees. 


    Let me know if this is not your experience and thanks for your input here. 

  • davidbeck's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Glen,


    We have a similar scenario. We do live intro / pre-recorded video / live Q&A. We upload the video to "engage the attendees" and play it from the Share Video panel. In prinicple this works. In practice there are a couple of issues we haven't been able to resolve. 


    1.  Audio drops out for some participants during the pre-recorded video broadcast. (it's fine during live)

    2. Pre-recorded video may be playing at different times for different users depending on when they joined the webinar (this can lead to a confusing end to the video where some may have prolonged silence and others get cut off before the punch line).


    I've seen some discussion around the audio issue. Windows audio vs GTW audio settings. But haven't gotten a solid solution. I was convinced in was my blueTooth bose headphones, but not clear why. Thoughts? 


    The synch issue is the bigger problem. Is there a solution in the works or a work around?


    Thanks in advance...



  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Hi jansonn, welcome to the community.


    The steps posted above will also work for your situation. Add the recording to your webinar and then share it after the live entrance, then finish with the live Q and A.


  • jansonn's avatar
    New Contributor
    2 years ago

    Hi, I would like to about webinars. Se will have a pre-recorded webinar for cca 15 mins and before we play it, one of our managers would like to make a live entrance, then we play this 15 mins webinar and again at the end we would like to have a live Q and A session. Is it possible with the webinar setting you offer? Thank you!

  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    You're welcome. Currently, the best way to share a video in GoToWebinar is this method of uploading it and then selecting it from the Share Screen menu. When we move to the new GoTo App experience it has better support for sharing a video on your desktop and including you computer audio so it is heard on the conference call.


  • LauPot's avatar
    Active Contributor
    2 years ago
    Thank you for this!

    I have previously run a live webinar that had a video I wanted to share. It was embedded in a pot deck and worked fine from the deck itself, but when I was sharing my screen in Go To it wouldn't play. I will give it a go with a previously recorded webinar and see if that works.
    Thank you
  • GlennD's avatar
    GoTo Manager
    2 years ago

    Hi LauPot, welcome to the community. 


    Here are the steps to achieve this:

    1. Host and record a live webinar (you can include real attendees or not). If you share any Polls future attendees will not be able to take part in them, so it's best to save that until the end when you will do the live Q and A.
    2. Download the recording of the webinar once it is ready
    3. Schedule your Live, Standard webinars (either as a series with individual registration, or multiple one off webinars)
    4. In the Engage your attendees section add the recorded webinar you made earlier

    When you start the scheduled webinars instead of talking and sharing your screen you go straight to sharing the video of the recorded webinar, and at the end of the video you can start your live Q and A session. If you have never shared a video in a webinar before I highly recommend a practice webinar to go through the process first.