Forum Discussion

KGCCI's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Webinar Recordings Accessed without Sharing the Link?

Dear All,

We have recorded our last webinar but haven't shared the link to access the video recording. However, when I look at the video report it shows that certain people have already accessed the recording. This should not be the case, as we haven't shared the link with anyone. How can I ensure that my webinar recordings won't be accessed?

Thanks for your help in advance. Best regards,


  • The recording is automatically assigned to the registration link for the webinar, thus people using the registration link after the webinar is over will automatically see the recording.


    You can disable this in the Dashboard. Go to that webinar and open the Registration section, then look for After Session Video.  That is where you decide what video, if any will be shown to people who register after the webinar has ended.

2 Replies

  • The recording is automatically assigned to the registration link for the webinar, thus people using the registration link after the webinar is over will automatically see the recording.


    You can disable this in the Dashboard. Go to that webinar and open the Registration section, then look for After Session Video.  That is where you decide what video, if any will be shown to people who register after the webinar has ended.