Forum Discussion

Misogi's avatar
New Member
5 years ago

How do I delete my account?

Please delete my account and all associated information you have about me. I have no need for your services, and it's frankly disappointing as all hell that you haven't remedied the deletion problem in FIVE YEARS since I saw a post about it come up. Shame on you. 

  • To cancel a trial

    To cancel your trial, simply wait for it to expire. No action is required unless you paid for a monthly or annual subscription during the trial period.


    Remember: Unless you gave credit card information to GoTo during your trial or at some point purchased a subscription, there is no need to cancel or delete your account.

    To modify or cancel a subscription

    To cancel your account or change the auto-renewal status of your account, please select Contact Support in this article. Our Customer Care Team will be happy to help you. Online cancellation is not available for Central at this time.


    To Delete your Cancelled account: 
    If your account has been cancelled already and you wish to have it deleted completely, you can make a request through our new Individual Rights Management Portal
    Why don't you get a direct phone number?

    Depending on your country or region, we offer different phone support numbers. To make sure that you get the right number, we need you to select your country first on the Contact Support form.

    There is no toll-free number for my location?

    An option to Email Support should also displayed if you do not speak English or Spanish.









  • Today at 5pm someone logged into my account from Japan, 

    They also listed their Mac OS as a trusted device but when I check trusted devices it doesn't appear.


    I'm really paranoid about this. Has anyone else had this problem? I don't feel like changing my password is enough, and I don't have a phone for 2step. Is there anything else I can do? If possible I'd like to delete my account even.

    • Vitor_M's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor



      You can try changing your email address as well if you feel that only the password wasn't enough. If you do not have any current subscriptions we can definitely delete your account. Just use to create a request. 


      Best Regards,



  • solhdeck's avatar
    New Contributor


    I've been searching trough the forum and the contact page and the knowledge base... and I couldn't find nither a support email nor the way to COMPLETE REMOVE my account from your services.


    I've been reciving some emails about people from other ways of the world trying to connect to my account and I'm tired of this; also I already have another account.


    How can I compeletely remove the account so nobody can even try to login?




    • Wamssfer's avatar

      It depends. If we are talking about deleting data from phone device , it is so easy , but if we are talking about the Mac or computer ,the situation is different



      • solhdeck's avatar
        New Contributor

        I want to delete my account. Nor my data from a device or a service.

        I don't want anybody beeng able to trying to login with my email (even me) because someone is trying to log in from my account and I don't want nor he beeng able to use my account, nor keeping using it by myself.

    • M_LMI's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      Hello solhdeck,


      Our support team will be happy to assist you with this request.  You can contact them by submitting a support case here.  Alternatively, send me a private message with your LogMeIn ID and we will create a case for you.


      Thank you

      • godzero's avatar
        Active Contributor

        I've been searching for this too. Why not just provide a delete option under the Manage Account function? So simple and would save your support staff needless work.


  • Zole's avatar
    New Member

    Today I got this mail:


    Event: Login successful from a new location.

    We have identified a successful login attempt to your LogMeIn account from a new location originating from China.

    LogMeIn ID:
    Time of event: 7/31/2016, 18:00 UTC


    To verify your account activity, please log in to your account, by clicking your LogMeIn ID in the upper-right corner, and select Account Settings >Security> Audit log

    If this was not you, we recommend you reset your password now and turn on two-factor authentication. You can reset your password by logging in to your account.


    Well, that wasn't me.


    And today is 05/08/02016 - are you serious! Security breach detected and notice sent five days later?


    Please delete my account, I dont use it anyway.



    • redareda9's avatar
      New Member

      I received the same mail but from Thailand not China.

      And it's weird cause I changed the password 5 days ago by a combination of 10 characters of symboles, upper and lower letters, digits etc... just after a failed attempt to connect to my account.

  • I joined two days ago, and there has already been 2 hacking attempts to log in to my account despite security. I've deleted all of the computers I had attached, but I am afraid someone will attempt to gain control of my account and use my account.


    I've requested twice to have my account deleted, and I haven't had a single response.



    • GraveUypo's avatar
      New Member

      same boat. i don't want to keep getting notified that some chinese, russian or korean piece of **bleep** is trying to hack into my USELESS and UNWANTED account. please delete my account

    • XtremeMaC's avatar
      New Contributor



      I have been using LogMeIn for years now and I've also been getting multiple failed login attempts..


      geotracking the ip shows origin as Russia. 

      I have 2 step verification, I'd really like to know if that is enough to prevent hacks...I do of course have hardware/software firewall, but they are hackers nonetheless... 

  • Hello there,


    I'd like to delete my account because I don't need it anymore.



    • Imisssher's avatar
      Me as well, a friend told me about it I did not like it so please do so.
    • Brady_T's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      Hello glowstone88 if you could send me a private mesage with your username I would be happy to assist you with your account deletion. 

    • rlwolf's avatar
      New Contributor

      Maybe you should contact LMI directly...this is just a forum, we cannot do that for you.

  • Hello!


    Last Sunday, I signed up at LogMeIn Hamachi and I now seem to have a trial of LogMeIn Central. I do not this account at all, even not for Hamachi, only because of a fallacy I thought, that I need an account for my use of Hamachi.


    I have already written at Sunday to the support, I get at Monday the response, that I should confirm, that I would like my account to be deleted. At the same day, I confirmed this (wrongly?), than I got at Thursday a survey. I replied than if something was wrong, but I have not got an answer yet.


    Now, two things:


    First: If a member of LogMeIn Team reads this, could he/she delete my account named My ticket number was 03863738.


    (Second: What happens, when the trial ends? Becomes it automatically a premium account, liable to costs, or can I decide, whether I want to become a premium user or to delete my account?)(only important if the Team, whyever, does not delete my account.)


    Yours sincerely, Altsprachenfreund

    • Katie_P's avatar
      GoTo Contributor



      LogMeIn Central includes Hamachi, and trialing Central is actually the only way to trial the Hamachi software. After your trial, you will be asked to purchase, and have the option to decline the offer. There will be no obligation to purchase and no automatic charge.


      If you plan to continue with any version of Hamachi, I would recommend keeping your account active. At the end of the trial you can choose one of the Hamachi subscriptions that suits you best. (Your account has not yet been deleted.)


      I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have additional questions.



