Forum Discussion

AllenWang's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Issue on a 4k monitor

I am logging into my work computer (1080p monitor) from my home computer (4k monitor), and the screen is extremely fuzzy. By the way, it only happens to my 4k monitor. I have another 2k monitor at home, and it works perfectly fine.  


I have already tried all Logmein settings, resolution, view, color quality, work computer monitor setting, home computer monitor setting, but just cannot find a good way to solve this. 


I have seen other posts about this issue as well, but they were all before 2018. Is there a way to solve this now? 

3 Replies

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    AllenWang  Can you see if these instructions help?


    Search for the LMI app in Windows, but don't click on it; select 'Open File location' instead.. 


    Right-click the location > Properties > Compatibility > Change High DPI settings to "Override high DPI scaling behavior", and choose System Enhanced

  • AllenWang's avatar
    New Contributor
    5 years ago

    Yes, I am sure my computer drivers are both up to date. 

    Yes, I have check all available resolutions. 

    Actually, I noticed when I opened the LogMeIn software, the log in window is already really blurry, even before I log into my remote computer. 


    I attached some screenshot photos for your reference. 



    Any idea how to fix this? 

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    5 years ago

    AllenWang  4k displays should work, as long as the manufacturer issued drivers are up to date.  From the remote session, have you checked Display Options for Windows to check all available resolutions?