Forum Discussion

Anon127206's avatar
4 years ago

Mac host only showing desktop wallpaper and menu bar

Mac has just received a new update (to Big Sur) I log in with Windows 10 and all I see is desktop wallpaper and menu bar. I've checked the security settings, everything LogMeIn related is checked. The issue began with the update.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor

    Hi Anon127206 ,

    Sorry to hear about the LogMeIn behavior there. 

    Have you already gone through the basic troubleshooting of rebooting the host Mac, and/or re-installing the endpoint software? 

    • kcassidy's avatar
      New Contributor

      Has there been a solution to this??? I haven't been able to use my computer since the OS upgrade a @#$!@#$ing YEAR ago. Logmein is up to date on both of my computers. the agent is able to record the screen. Any fixes????

      • AshC's avatar
        Retired GoTo Contributor

        kcassidy I apologize for the frustration.  


        If the Accessibility changes I suggested above have no effect upon your host connection, please give us a call at your convenience when you have direct access to this computer. 


  • Same problem. I login from other Mac and see only Menu Bar and wallpaper. Everything in security settings  LogMeIn related is checked. Logmein App re-installed.

  • akue's avatar
    New Member

    Same here, but on Mac! I've already contacted customer support, re-installed, and still issues. I've even tried on multiple OS' from Windows, macOS Big Sur, macOS Catalina, and iOS. 


    The re-install is temporary and works initially, but you are back to just the desktop and menu bar as the day goes on.  My only option now is to downgrade my iMac back to macOS Catalina and hope that fixes the issues. 

  • drcortes's avatar
    New Contributor


    just installed logmein pro on mac pro 11.5.2

    when I connect from another mac using the logmein client, I just get a desktop with no icons or apps.

    how can I get this client to work correctly?



    • svrc's avatar
      New Contributor

      This is undocumented, and I was pulling my hair out - doesn't work with Windows talking to Mac either lately.   But I fixed it inadvertently today when installing Zoom on that computer.  

      In System Preferences, Privacy & Security section, Privacy tab, ensure that LMGUIAgent is checked under "Screen Recording".    After that I could see the full desktop.

      Environment: M1 Mac Mini, macOS Big Sur host ; Windows 10 client.

      • drcortes's avatar
        New Contributor

        I have checked this.

        the LMUI agent is on SCREEN RECORDING and it is checked.

        Still, no luck.


        any help here?  otherwise I will have to change to another remote desktop service.

  • kcassidy's avatar
    New Contributor

    same thing's been happening to me after an upgrade to big sur. i'm logging in from another mac.  blah. 

    • AshC's avatar
      Retired GoTo Contributor

      Thanks for your patience everyone, we are working to determine the cause of this now.  As soon as I have more info I'll update this Community thread. 

      • DebbiL's avatar
        New Member

        After years of no issues, I've lost keyboard & mouse control when I log in to a Mac mini (Catalina 10.15.7) from MacBook Air (Big Sur 11.6.4). When I access a Windows 7Pro machine from the notebook, it shows for a nanosecond, and then the PC crashes.


        The Mac Mini and the MacBook both can fully access another Mini running Yosemite 10.10.5


        I've rebooted, re-selected the files from Privacy, and re-installed Logmein with no change in results.


        Next Step?




  • GaborO's avatar
    GoTo Contributor

    Hi All!

    The reason of that only the desktop wallpaper and menu bar is visible is that the (the component that is responsible to record the screen) does not have effective Screen Recording permission in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy. The check box might be checked but due to a situation unhandled properly (by the OS) the previously granted permission is lost when some action/events happen (like fast user switching).
    We identified the cause of the problem, implemented the fix and plan to release it soon.