Forum Discussion

shass's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Session Hung? Icon Green? Can't connect...

I am unable to connect to a remote computer.  It is on-line and the console shows the computer's icon green, which I think means that there is a session in progress.  I know, however, that there is not.  I had connected successfully yesterday.  Perhaps that session hung and didn't shut down correctly?  Is there any way to clear that?

6 Replies

  • Add PC Help's avatar
    Add PC Help
    5 years ago
    Thanks for this - Veam Teamer!!! This has happened to me several times and I live over an hour away from host computer! I am going to try this and also try to have PC do updates manually instead of on a schedule, if that is the case!
  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    casascoco  Sorry about that.  Have you contacted Customer Care directly in order to attempt to recreate the connection failure, or gather log files from the affected PC?

  • casascoco's avatar
    Active Contributor
    7 years ago

    Extremely inconvenient.  The same problem happens to me on random computers, requiring my clients to reset their computer before it will allow a reconnect.  I've actually had to have clients install different remote software (Veam Tiewer) just so I am able do the work remotely.  This is unnacceptable for a paid product.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    shass  It should not be happening on a regular basis, and in my experience the instances often revolve around a specific machine that was in need of a scheduled reboot / update.

  • shass's avatar
    New Contributor
    7 years ago

    Well that is most inconvenient.  Really defeats the purpose, doesn't it.

  • AshC's avatar
    Retired GoTo Contributor
    7 years ago

    shass  Unfortunately if that session got stuck, the only way to reconnect would likely be after a reboot at the endpoint.  Let us know if the behavior continues there.